Armagh Ladies Notes

Armagh Ladies Notes

Armagh Ladies Annual Dinner Dance Carrickdale Hotel 27 November 2009 tickets 30 Euro.




Gaelic4Mothers started on Saturday past in Belleeks GFC, a well attended session which was very informative and extremly enjoyable for all. This is a four week programme designed to learn Mothers the rules of Gaelic football and take part themselves, getting fit and meeting other Mums. All the mums will be taking part in a Mothers All Ireland Blitz on Saturday 11th October in St Sylvesters GFC Dublin. Their is no age limit, the next session will be on Thursday 1 Oct 6.30pm in Ballymoyer School, and on Saturday 3rd October in Belleeks GFC at 3.45pm. Bring your own waterbottle. Full training will be given no previous experience is required. Mums from all areas welcome. Mothers from Whitecross, Belleeks, Dorsey and Clady where in attendance. Contact Lucy for further information 07816205393.


Gaelic4Mothers also in Shane O Neills Mondays 6.30pm, Cullyhanna Wednessday 7th Oct 7.30pm.


National Strategy for Ladies Gaelic Football


Ladies football is devolping a National Strategy for the next seven years. As part of this process it is engaging in the biggest consultation process in its history to hear the hopes and aspirations of our members for the next seven years. A key part to this is consulting with the most important units-Our Clubs. Club forums are planned for each Province in the month of October. The Ulster Forum takes place in Kellys Inn, Ballygawley Tyrone. on 10th October at 10am. We are asking that one player and one other club member attend on behalf of your club. Please do not pick a county board officer as they have their own invites. Lunch will be provided at 2.30pm, please ensure your club is represented in this important discussion.


Armagh Ladies Senior Team require a Manager/Coach please apply in writing to Lucy Groom Armagh Ladies Runai, 15 Ballintate Rd Whitecross Co Armagh or email


Armagh u14s require a manager/coach please apply to Lucy Groom also.

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