15 January 2015 British Clubs Invited to Join in with Gaelic4Girls Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! To date the continuously successful Gaelic4Girls programme has only been rolled out in Ireland but in 2015 the LGFA, in conjunction with the Ladies Football British Provincial Council and the GAA, will roll out the programme will be delivered in Britain for the first time. The Gaelic4Girls Programme was revamped and relaunched in 2013 with an aim to making the programme more attractive to clubs by assisting any struggling clubs, any established clubs looking to expand their numbers at underage level or any potential areas where new clubs may evolve. The programme was a huge success in 2013 and 2014, with 64 clubs applying throughout Ireland. 40 Clubs representing 27 counties, were successful in their application resulting in a total of 1,447 girls participating on the programme, 1,037 of which were never registered with the Association before. Clubs throughout Britain are now being invited to apply to become host clubs to the Gaelic4Girls programme. To apply just download this form: Britain G4G Application Further information about the course is available here: G4G Information for Britain Clubs Share this Article 0 0