09 January 2006 Details of upcoming courses in Meath Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Details of upcoming courses in Meath CODE OF ETHICS AWARENESS WORKSHOPS Meath LSP are running a number of Code of Ethics Awareness Workshops in the coming months. The workshops will take place in Claremont Stadium, Navan on the following dates from 6.30pm to 10.45pm. As places are limited, pre-booking is essential. The cost of the workshop is EUR10 per person. Thursday 19th January 2006 Thursday 9th February 2006 Thursday 9th March 2006 Thursday 6th April 2006 Attached is a booking form, if you wish to book a place please select the date which you wish to attend the workshop and return to our office. DRUG & ALCOHOL POLICY PROGRAMME Meath Local Sports Partnership, in association with the Aisling Drug Awareness Group, is running Drug and Alcohol Policy Workshops. The aim of these workshops is to promote participation in Sport in a Drug Free Environment. The course will run over five Monday evenings in January and February – Monday 30th January, Monday 6th , 13th, 20th and 27th February, and will take place in Claremont Stadium, Navan. The workshops will run from 8pm to 10pm each evening. The programme is part funded by Meath LSP and participants are required to pay EUR20 per person. Further details and a booking form for the course is available below. If you have any further questions you can contact our office. HELPERS SWIM COURSE The Helpers Swim Course is eight hours in duration and will run from 10am to 1pm – Theory Session and 2pm to 3pm – Practical Session on Saturday 4th and Saturday 11th February 2006. The theory sessions will be held in the Edmund Rice Centre, Bective Street, Kells and the practical sessions will be held in Kells Swimming Pool. Those that should attend include Parents, Carers, Brothers, Sisters, Teachers, Coaches of People with Disabilities. All participants must be over 14 years of age. To do the Helpers Course, you don’t need to be able to swim; all you need is the willingness to put what you will learn at the course to good use in the future. Meath LSP is subsidising the cost of the course and the cost of the course is EUR20 per participant. Further details and a booking form for the course is available below. If you have any further questions you can contact our office. Meath County Council. E-mail:info@meathcoco.ie Web:www.meath.ie Tel:046-9097000 Fax:046-9097001 Share this Article 0 0