26 February 2019 Essential dates for your diary: County Officer Training - Regional Workshops Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! THE Ladies Gaelic Football Association is pleased to confirm details of County Officer Training Regional Workshops, which are hugely important for all county chairpersons, secretaries and treasurers. The evenings are designed to support you in your specific role and provide guidance to make this role easier for you on the coming year. We have regionalised the workshops to make them more accessible for everyone and they will be interactive and relevant to your role and most importantly different to all previous training. We cannot stress enough the importance of engagement with this support as requested by officers through our recent volunteer survey and we look forward to having you in attendance. When are the workshops? · Tuesday 12th March @ 7.30pm Cavan Crystal Hotel, Cavan · Wednesday 13th March @ 7.30pm Castletroy Hotel, Limerick · Wednesday 20th March @ 7.30pm Maldron Hotel, Portlaoise Who should attend? · The evening is aimed at your county chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer and assistant treasurer · There will be individual workshops for the three roles What will the evening involved? There will be two sections where officers will be together and then individual breakouts: · Introduction – all officers · Chairperson workshop o Leadership & Delegation o Governance of county board o Meetings · Secretary Workshop o Time management o Organisation of meetings o FAQ including injury fund, transfers etc. · Treasurer Workshop o Templates for accounts o LGFA finance procedures o Sponsorship · All Officers – Open Ideas and Thoughts for Future How can you book place? To book your own place or for your officers please CLICK HERE It is essential to pass this email on to your relevant officers and we hope that we can build on this evening by highlighting other areas you may require support and assistance with. We really appreciate the time our county officers give to the sport and we value your commitment as volunteers. These workshops are in place to give something back to our volunteers and try to provide guidance on topics we are frequently contacted in relation to. We really hope that you can engage in these evenings and look forward to having you all involved. A problem shared is a problem halved and hopefully sharing and working with other officers in similar situations will make your role easier. Share this Article 0 0