Exhibit at our National Gaelic4Mothers&Others Blitz!

Our National Gaelic4Mothers&Others Blitz Day will take place on Saturday 17th October at Naomh Mearnóg and St Sylvester’s GAA Clubs, Dublin. For the past few years we have created an Exhibition Village at the venue for companies to take a stand and showcase their products and services and this was hugely successful with extremely positive feedback from the day.


We are hoping to have this Exhibition Village in place again this year and we would like to offer the opportunity to your company to have a place on the day if you have not already. We have over 2000 participants on site which is sure to attract a crowd and are the perfect captive audience for buying many products. We will also have the 2FM Roadcaster broadcasting live.


Below is the cost for this stand:


17th October 2015 – National Gaelic4Mothers&Others Blitz Day                                                   €150


The stand will be a separate marquee complete with a table, two chairs and power supply.


Attached below is an application form and if your company is interested in this opportunity you can return the application with details requested by Thursday 8th October to Lyn Savage, lynsavage@ladiesgaelic.ie or post to LGFA, Croke Park, Dublin 3. If you have any questions feel free to Lyn at any time on email or by calling 0871316944.

7s Exhibitors Application Form 


We look forward to hearing from you and also hopefully seeing you at yet another hugely successful event.


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