Referee Fitness Tests

Referee Fitness Tests
Despite the frosty weather 23 referees from the province underwent a fitness test and rules seminar at St. Ciarans, Ballygawley on Saturday last. Whistlers from all Ulster counties bar Antrim were present. National President Geraldine Giles was in attendance and was particularly interested in the views of the referees in respect of assessments of referees. All present underwent a bleep test and agility run however the 45m sprint was postponed owing to the frosty ground. The day was facilitated by National Development Officer Paula Prunty, Ulster RDO Sheena Tally, and Referee Tutors Eileen Jones and Lyn Savage. On a disappointing note only three female referees turned up. The trio were Yvonne Brady (Cavan), Etaoine O Kane (Tyrone) and Ann Mc Grath (Fermanagh)

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