18 February 2013 St. Nathy's notes 18.02.2012 Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Support the Girls and Come to our Presentation of medals for the 2012 season & Fundraising Table Quiz on Friday 1st March in the Knock na Shee Inn, Lavagh Starting @ 8pm sharp. This night is open to everyone, non members, families, friends, players. Tables of 4 @ €40 per table (For underage players the maximum “St. Nathys Players” per table is 2 – therefore you must get family, friends or neighbours to make up the rest of your team). With the Feile approaching soon the Under 14’s are first on the field with management hoping to commence training for this group on Wednesday evenings starting this week the 20th of February at 6.30 to 7.30pm in Mullinabreena Hall. All players will be notified by text but new players are always welcome so please come along on Wednesday. Last year the Sligo County Board launched a new fundraising initiative in association with the Carers Association of Ireland. A ribbon has been specially designed with both logo’s for St. Patricks Day. This ribbon will be on-sale all over Sligo in selected outlets and will sold on the streets in the weeks coming up to St. Patricks Day. Each ribbon will cost €2. The proceeds will be split with the Ladies association and with The Carers Association. St. Nathys have received their portion of ribbons to sell these will be distributed to players over the coming weeks and will be on sale at our presentation night so your support will be greatly appreciated. Share this Article 0 0