21 January 2008 Waterford Ladies News Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Waterford Ladies Update Waterford Ladies Football Notes Extraordinary General Meeting The recent county board meeting held on the 14th of January proved to be a lively night with some interesting debates on how the association in the county should tackle some of the issues discussed. At the end of the night it was descided that an extraordinary general meeting will be held on Wednesday the 30th of January at 8pm in Lawlors to iron out the issues. Each club will be contacted by post about the meeting and the topics on the agenda. County Underage Managers All clubs are asked to submit any names for our underage county teams to the county secretary or to bring the names to the above meeting. The county teams age from under 14 to Minor with special compettitions for the under 12 age group organised during the year. Interested in Refereeing, Coaching or Volunteering your time An inititiave is being put in place to attract referees, coaches and volunteers to ladies football. Any current player, ex-player or those interested in helping with running of our games are asked to cotact the county board officers or call into their local ladies football club for information. Keep an eye on the waterford ladies football notes for further information. Waterford ladies notes 23rd January 2008 Share this Article 0 0