Down Ladies Night at the dogs

Down Ladies ‘Night at the Races’


The Down Ladies County Board held a very successful ‘Night at
the Races’ on Friday 7th December in Saval GAC. The event, sponsored
by ‘Around A Pound’, was held to support the Down Ladies Senior
team training fund. The awards for Senior and Minor County player
of the year were also presented as were the awards for most improved
county player of the year at senior and minor level. The Down
Minor team who reached the Ulster Championship final for the first
time in 2007 were also presented with their runner’s up medals.

Down Ladies County Board Co-Chairman Gabriel McCaffrey congratulated
all involved on the county front in 2007 and commented that the
county structures now established at youth level are really beginning
to bear fruit with all underage county teams capturing Championship
titles in the last few years, and several young players making
the breakthrough at senior level. County sponsors Gerard and Siobhan
Rice of ‘Around a Pound’ who sponsor both the Senior and Minor
teams were on hand to present trophies to the winners. The Senior
player of the year award went to Sinead Murphy of Bryansford who
had an excellent year in county colours while most improved player
was won by the young Bredagh player Emma Mulhern. Saval’s Niamh
McGowan, included in this year’s senior panel, won the player
of the year award.

The most improved player of the year went to Catherine McGovern
who helped Burren to capture the Down Intermediate Championship
crown in 2007. The Down Ladies County Board would like to thank
all those who attended the night, sponsored races, contributed
raffle prizes or helped in any way with the event. Particular
thanks go to Saval GAC for the use of their facilities.

The Down Ladies kick off their National League campaign at home
to Longford on February 3rd 2008.

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