One of the key aims of the LGFA is to celebrate our volunteers, officials and players and create role models on and off the pitch. Central to delivering on this is to provide safe, supportive, respectful playing and non-playing environments for everyone… Players Coaches Referees Parents Spectators Volunteers As we see other sports struggle with culture and behaviour around the match day experience, and specifically with regard to the respect shown to match officials, we are committed to instilling a culture of respect and positivity amongst our people both on and off the pitch. The LGFA wants to encourage and celebrate a culture of positivity and mutual respect on match and meetings days. The aim is to create and deliver a campaign, that promotes and celebrates positive match day behaviour between players, coaches, referees, parents and spectators, plus officers in meeting rooms. So welcome to our new campaign called ‘Take a Second’ We are asking everyone involved to Take a Second and think about their next action remembering the potential impact it could have on someone else involved in our game. There will be videos and imagery for you to share across your platforms with the club and county toolkit to show your support of this campaign. The ‘Take a Second’ logo will feature at many of our key events both on pitch signage, big screen and officials jerseys. We can all work together to ensure we respect everyone involved in our games and celebrate everything that is great about participating in Ladies Gaelic Football. GET INVOLVED! CLICK TO ACCESS The ‘Take a Second’ Toolkit 1. Manifesto Posters Click HERE to access the manifesto posters. 2. Social Media Content Click HERE to access assets for your social media platforms from GIFs through to Instagram Stories. 3. Group Messaging Platform Content Click HERE to access assets to use on your group messaging platforms. 4. Email Signatures Click HERE to access assets to use as you email signature. 5. Website Banner Click HERE to access assets to use as your website banner. 6. Website Graphics Click HERE to access assets to use across your website. Clubs All Stars Inclusive Programme 50 Club Visits Inclusive Clubs Club Compás Critical Incident Response Plan Take a Second Club School Links Cara Sport Inclusion Disability Charter Active Disability Ireland Xcessible Club Toolkit Club Nursery Programme Club Participation Certificate Welcome Poster Club Female Liaison Officer Covid-19 Club Education Finance Funding opportunities Holding an AGM LGFA Talk Project Sports Capital Programme Transgender policy Child Welfare and Protection Registration - Foireann One Club Guidelines Club Officer Guidelines Club Development Kidzone Sign Club Re-Grading Player Transfers