The LGFA registration deadline is 31st March each year. All Clubs from January should be checking they have no issues with their Foireann linked stripe account and have sufficient funds in it to pay their 2024 LGFA Levies. These Levies must be paid before any LGFA registrations can be completed by the club on the Foireann system. There is no benefit for a club to wait to the last few days to complete their registrar as all registration will last to the 31st March 2025. The Foireann support team are running webinars every Wednesday night from now to the end of March and we would encourage all club registrars and club admins to attend these. You can register for these on the following link or you can view the recordings of these at. All Foireann club admins received an email on the 29th January from the GAA regarding key tasks for the 2024 season, these include Review System Access Correct Duplicate Records Update yours Clubs Membership Options Update Teams Review Stripe Account Populate Club Executive Committee Additional Notes What’s New Foireann Help This email is very informative and highlights the key tasks for all clubs on the Foireann system. If Individuals/parents are having issues logging into their Foireann accounts, then please contact your club registrar or any club officer and they can get one of their club admins to confirm their Foireann Username and linked email account so that a member can access their previous account. This saves members having multiply accounts and thus save the club having to merge accounts. Also, Club admins can now send a password reset email for a member. If they click on a member’s profile, at the top, there is a ‘Send Password Reset to User’– This will only be displayed for those who have an active login to Foireann. This button will trigger a password reset email to the email address listed in the member’s profile. Finally, Foireann admins can now change a member’s email address and instead of being prompted to enter the member’s password, they can enter their own Foireann password to make the change. This email address will update on the profile, but an email will be sent to both the old email and the new email address of the member to advise of the change. The member must verify the new email address via the link which is sent to them once an admin has made the change. Please note clubs can registrar LGFA members at any stage of the year but their registration only last to the 31st March of the following year. Registration - Foireann Foireann G4M&O Club Registrar County/Provincial Registrar FAQ Registration Fees Registration Deadline (31st March) Members Eligibility Optional Injury Fund Payment OneClubs Player Transfer Upgrading a Membership Chip Teamsheets