Permission to Play The following is the Rule governing Permission to Play: 130. Where there is a Club in a player’s CCA, but the Club is unable to provide football for her at Adult or Underage level, the player must register with her CCA Club. Where there is club football for her in another Club within her CCA, she may get permission to play or transfer to that Club. She cannot transfer or get permission to play with another Club outside her CCA whilst there is a Club in her CCA, unless she is exempted under Rule 128, (Home Club). This permission is to be renewed on an annual basis. Where there is no Adult Club football within her CCA, and she wishes to seek permission to play with another Club she must apply on the Official Application Form and forward it to the County Board, Provincial Council and the National Grading Committee of Central Council. The Grading Committee will make the final decision subject to appeal as per CODA Rules. The closing date for a player seeking permission to play Adult Football is 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the competition. The maximum number of players allowed to obtain permission to play for any Club shall be four. This permission is to be renewed on an annual basis. Player Transfers Permission to Play Transfers and Permits Approved Permission-to-play-ADULT-Football-Application-Form56 KB