The Gaelic4Mothers&Others initiative sees women playing Ladies Gaelic Football in a fun, non-competitive and social environment. Gaelic4Mothers&Others provides an opportunity for women to get their recommended weekly exercise in a fun way while meeting other mothers in the area. Full details of the G4M&O initiative can be access by clicking HERE. G4M&O members can register as two different LGFA membership types, namely. G4M&O Full Adult (Non-Playing) Gaelic4Mothers&Others Registration Fees Club Fee: €2.00 (minimum) County Fee: €2.00 Provincial Council: €2.00 Central Council: €6.00 If you wish to become a full club member, with full voting rights, then you need to pay the club’s Full Adult (Non-Playing) fee to your club. We have broken the G4M&O membership issues into the following main headings. G4M&O’s members should not be a LGFA Committee member. G4M&O’s members don’t have a vote at a Club AGM. Registered Full Adult (Non-Playing) members can play G4M&O. G4M&O’s do they have to register if they don’t play in Games. A Coach for one club and a G4M&O player with another club. G4M&O’s and/or Senior Ladies GAA €250 Public Liability Fee & how to pay it. How do clubs collect the Personal Injury Cover (AIG €15 fee) G4M&O’s members should not be a LGFA Committee member. G4M&O’s members should not be a LGFA Committee members or Team Manager/Coaches/Selectors/Mentors etc but they should be registered as Full Adult (Non-Playing) members which also qualifies them to play G4M&O. G4M&O’s members don’t have a vote at a Club AGM. G4M&O members don’t have voting rights and should not be Committee members or Team Coaches/Mentors etc but they should be registered as Full Adult (Non-Playing) members which also qualifies them to vote at a club AGM etc. Registered Full Adult (Non-Playing) members can play G4M&O. LGFA Committee Members/Managers/Coaches/Selectors/Mentors etc should be registered as Full Adult (Non-Players), they need this registration type to also vote at a Club meetings/AGM etc. These registered members are also covered to play G4M&O (don’t need to register twice). Please note Adult Full (Non-Playing) members who play G4M&O’s must pay the personal injury cover to participate like all other G4M&O members. Full Adult (Non-Playing) members that pay the LGFA Optional Injury Fund cover because they are a Coach/Referee/Umpire and want the same cover as an Adult (Player) are not covered to play G4M&O’s. They must still pay the personal injury cover to participate like all other G4M&O members. G4M&O’s do they have to register if they don’t play in Games? The G4M&O programme is all about the weekly meet up and therefore precipitants need to register to be part of the programme. Games at blitz’s or other clubs at weekends are consider extra to the main part of the program which is the weekly meet up’s. A Coach for one club and a G4M&O player with another club? A LGFA member who is a registered Adult Full (Non-Playing) member of another club because they are a committee member, Coach etc and their club does not offer them the G4M&O initiative then they can play G4M&O’s with another club. They must be fully registrar as an Adult Full (Non-Player) with the club they coach with. Then they can add the G4M&O club to their Profile on Foireann – this will allow the G4M&O club to add her to their Foireann team sheet and she will appear without a warning sign on their team sheet and the G4M&O club is fully confidant that they are registered with the LGFA. Please note they must still pay the personal injury cover with the G4M&O club to participate like all other G4M&O members. G4M&O’s and/or Senior Ladies A member can only play either on a G4M&O’s team or a Senior Ladies team, not both at the same time. If the G4M&O season is over in the club and they want to just play with the Senior team for the rest of the season, then she can upgrade her membership to an Adult Full (Player) chip see Upgrading a Membership Chip by clicking HERE. Following year, (new season) she can go back and just register with G4M&O’s if she wishes but she cannot train or play with the Senior team if she has just a G4M&O registration chip. One other point a member cannot register as an Adult Full (Player) and then move during the year back to G4M&O’s. GAA €250 Public Liability Fee & how to pay it. All clubs must pay this fee towards Public Liability Insurance. This fee has always been in place for G4M&O clubs but was not collected or reduced in recent years because the LGFA Association was in receipt of a grant from the Covid-19 Resilience Fund. This Public Liability fee is back up to the full amount of €250 per club. The following Foireann help article explains the process. How do I pay the LGFA annual levies – Gaelic Athletic Association ( How do clubs collect the Personal Injury Cover (i.e. AIG €15 fee). Club can setup three membership options on Foireann to collect this fee as well as the membership fee. Standard G4M&O option taking the G4M&O fees and the AIG €15 payment. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) + AIG payment let say for example the fee is set at €50+€15=€65 for Committee Members/Coaches and those who want to play G4M&O’s as well. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) i.e. let say the fee is set at €50 For Committee Members/Coaches etc and members only. Then all the fees will be collected on the Foireann system. The last two memberships options will look the same on Foireann but the club registrar will have to select the membership chip to make sure the LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) has paid the extra €15 for the AIG G4M&O payment. Likewise for option 3 a club can have two versions of this. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) i.e. let say the fee is set at €50 For Committee Members/Coaches etc and members only. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) + LGFA Optional Injury Payment i.e. let say the fee is set at €50+€25=€75 For Coaches/Referees/Umpires etc who want to pay the Optional Injury Fund cover. Again, these two memberships options (chips) will look the same on Foireann but the club registrar will have to select the membership chip to check if the member has paid the extra €25 payment for the Optional Injury Fund payment as they must complete the registration in a slightly different way so that the Optional Injury Fund payment is paid. I would recommend members that have paid this extra payment on Foireann to notify their club registrar that they have paid this extra payment, so that the club registrar is aware that their registration when completed needs the extra cover. Registration - Foireann Foireann G4M&O Club Registrar County/Provincial Registrar FAQ Registration Fees Registration Deadline (31st March) Members Eligibility Optional Injury Fund Payment OneClubs Player Transfer Upgrading a Membership Chip Teamsheets
The Gaelic4Mothers&Others initiative sees women playing Ladies Gaelic Football in a fun, non-competitive and social environment. Gaelic4Mothers&Others provides an opportunity for women to get their recommended weekly exercise in a fun way while meeting other mothers in the area.
G4M&O members can register as two different LGFA membership types, namely. G4M&O Full Adult (Non-Playing) Gaelic4Mothers&Others Registration Fees Club Fee: €2.00 (minimum) County Fee: €2.00 Provincial Council: €2.00 Central Council: €6.00 If you wish to become a full club member, with full voting rights, then you need to pay the club’s Full Adult (Non-Playing) fee to your club. We have broken the G4M&O membership issues into the following main headings. G4M&O’s members should not be a LGFA Committee member. G4M&O’s members don’t have a vote at a Club AGM. Registered Full Adult (Non-Playing) members can play G4M&O. G4M&O’s do they have to register if they don’t play in Games. A Coach for one club and a G4M&O player with another club. G4M&O’s and/or Senior Ladies GAA €250 Public Liability Fee & how to pay it. How do clubs collect the Personal Injury Cover (AIG €15 fee) G4M&O’s members should not be a LGFA Committee member. G4M&O’s members should not be a LGFA Committee members or Team Manager/Coaches/Selectors/Mentors etc but they should be registered as Full Adult (Non-Playing) members which also qualifies them to play G4M&O. G4M&O’s members don’t have a vote at a Club AGM. G4M&O members don’t have voting rights and should not be Committee members or Team Coaches/Mentors etc but they should be registered as Full Adult (Non-Playing) members which also qualifies them to vote at a club AGM etc. Registered Full Adult (Non-Playing) members can play G4M&O. LGFA Committee Members/Managers/Coaches/Selectors/Mentors etc should be registered as Full Adult (Non-Players), they need this registration type to also vote at a Club meetings/AGM etc. These registered members are also covered to play G4M&O (don’t need to register twice). Please note Adult Full (Non-Playing) members who play G4M&O’s must pay the personal injury cover to participate like all other G4M&O members. Full Adult (Non-Playing) members that pay the LGFA Optional Injury Fund cover because they are a Coach/Referee/Umpire and want the same cover as an Adult (Player) are not covered to play G4M&O’s. They must still pay the personal injury cover to participate like all other G4M&O members. G4M&O’s do they have to register if they don’t play in Games? The G4M&O programme is all about the weekly meet up and therefore precipitants need to register to be part of the programme. Games at blitz’s or other clubs at weekends are consider extra to the main part of the program which is the weekly meet up’s. A Coach for one club and a G4M&O player with another club? A LGFA member who is a registered Adult Full (Non-Playing) member of another club because they are a committee member, Coach etc and their club does not offer them the G4M&O initiative then they can play G4M&O’s with another club. They must be fully registrar as an Adult Full (Non-Player) with the club they coach with. Then they can add the G4M&O club to their Profile on Foireann – this will allow the G4M&O club to add her to their Foireann team sheet and she will appear without a warning sign on their team sheet and the G4M&O club is fully confidant that they are registered with the LGFA. Please note they must still pay the personal injury cover with the G4M&O club to participate like all other G4M&O members. G4M&O’s and/or Senior Ladies A member can only play either on a G4M&O’s team or a Senior Ladies team, not both at the same time. If the G4M&O season is over in the club and they want to just play with the Senior team for the rest of the season, then she can upgrade her membership to an Adult Full (Player) chip see Upgrading a Membership Chip by clicking HERE. Following year, (new season) she can go back and just register with G4M&O’s if she wishes but she cannot train or play with the Senior team if she has just a G4M&O registration chip. One other point a member cannot register as an Adult Full (Player) and then move during the year back to G4M&O’s. GAA €250 Public Liability Fee & how to pay it. All clubs must pay this fee towards Public Liability Insurance. This fee has always been in place for G4M&O clubs but was not collected or reduced in recent years because the LGFA Association was in receipt of a grant from the Covid-19 Resilience Fund. This Public Liability fee is back up to the full amount of €250 per club. The following Foireann help article explains the process. How do I pay the LGFA annual levies – Gaelic Athletic Association ( How do clubs collect the Personal Injury Cover (i.e. AIG €15 fee). Club can setup three membership options on Foireann to collect this fee as well as the membership fee. Standard G4M&O option taking the G4M&O fees and the AIG €15 payment. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) + AIG payment let say for example the fee is set at €50+€15=€65 for Committee Members/Coaches and those who want to play G4M&O’s as well. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) i.e. let say the fee is set at €50 For Committee Members/Coaches etc and members only. Then all the fees will be collected on the Foireann system. The last two memberships options will look the same on Foireann but the club registrar will have to select the membership chip to make sure the LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) has paid the extra €15 for the AIG G4M&O payment. Likewise for option 3 a club can have two versions of this. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) i.e. let say the fee is set at €50 For Committee Members/Coaches etc and members only. LGFA Full Adult (Non-Player) + LGFA Optional Injury Payment i.e. let say the fee is set at €50+€25=€75 For Coaches/Referees/Umpires etc who want to pay the Optional Injury Fund cover. Again, these two memberships options (chips) will look the same on Foireann but the club registrar will have to select the membership chip to check if the member has paid the extra €25 payment for the Optional Injury Fund payment as they must complete the registration in a slightly different way so that the Optional Injury Fund payment is paid. I would recommend members that have paid this extra payment on Foireann to notify their club registrar that they have paid this extra payment, so that the club registrar is aware that their registration when completed needs the extra cover.