The Early Years 1976 – 1985

The emergence of Ladies Gaelic Football in London took a rather modest and subtle beginning with establishment of 2 clubs in 1976, namely Thomas Valley and Guinness’s. During these early years, competition centred around two annual Irish Festivals, Roundwood Park and Harrow. Effectively the seeds were sown.

The introduction of further clubs initially came about through the formation of

St Agnes Club – which later became know as Tara’s – by 2 ex-Guinness players. Such developments introduced healthy competition into the Ladies game and it was now possible to have a play-off before a final. The number of teams gradually began to increase and this was greatly influenced by girls who had played the game at home and emigrated from Ireland to London. However, the home grown London born players had considerable bearing on the growth of the game at this time, where their playing careers predominantly started with underage boys teams. Regardless of who they were or where they had come from, they all had one thing in common, a strong desire to play Gaelic Football.

It soon became apparent that in order for the game to grow, there would have to be a formal supporting structure to give direction and provide a central focus. An initial attempt to form a London County Board in the early years was however, unsuccessful. In these early years, the desire to play the sport in a city outside the heartland, not only gave those involved a determination to succeed but it also gave them a uniqueness in both their plight and now as we reflect, their history.

Formative Years


In January 1986, Fiona O’Connor (nee Redican) wrote to all existing Ladies Gaelic football clubs and invited them to attend a meeting with the aim of forming the first London Gaelic Football Board.

The meeting was held at the Irish Club, 82 Eaton Square, London SW1 in March 1986 and the Chairman of the London Minor Board was invited to attend what was to be a momentous event in the formation of Ladies Gaelic Football in London. Nominations were taken for positions and the following were elected as the 1986 London Executive:

Life President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Lena Ryan

Vice-Chairperson: Aidan Heran

Secretary: Fiona Redican

Assistant Secretary: Anne Marie Kirwan

Treasurer: Veronica Farrell

Registrar: Mairead Grey

PRO: Liz Gibbons

Initially five clubs affiliated to the Board, Essex Gaels, Wembley Gaels, Garryowen, Ealing Whistlers and Tara. Miondearg affiliated in October 1986.

An affiliated fee of £20 per club and registration of 20p per player was proposed and seconded by the floor. Motions were proposed and voted on and insurance for players was discussed – much had been achieved at the first ladies convention in London.

During 1986, the Board successfully organised a County championship competition with the first final being contested between Wembley Gaels and Garryowen at Ruislip grounds, Headquarters to London GAA. Wembley Gaels were the first to take the title.

During the first year of formal competition, the newly elected Board not only set their ambitions at establishing an inter-club competition, but also elected a London manager in the aim of forming a London squad. Aidan Heran took on this arduous task and with some fundraising and sponsorship sought, the team travelled to Leitrim to play the Senior Club finalists “Fenagh” and a Junior Leitrim County selection in August 1986. The “London Ladies” hit the front of the Leitrim tabloids for their playing skills and determination. Incidentally a piece of history was made that month when London player, Sharon Edgecombe, was the first West Indian girl to play gaelic football in Ireland.

By the end of 1986, London had successfully formed a Board with six affiliated clubs, they had organised their first championship competition and had travelled to Ireland to compete at county level. 1986 will be remembered as the year when Ladies Gaelic Football firmly planted its roots in London.


In 1987 the pre-season activity showed positive signs for the forthcoming year, with the formation of affiliation of another club, The Kingdom on 11th February.

The following month, the second Annual ladies Convention took place at the Irish Cultural Centre, Salisbury Road, NW6. Whereas the previous year the focus of the

1st Annual Convention centred around the motions put forward by the founding clubs to provide the pillars of the new association, the 1987 Convention emphasised the need for ‘official referees and umpires’ and also playing grounds with adequate facilities. The Treasurer reported a balance of £43.65 and a league competition for the forthcoming season was agreed upon.

The following Board elected:

Chairperson: Lena Ryan

Vice-Chairperson: Nora Grealish

Secretary: Fiona O’Connor

Assistant Secretary: Breid Igoe

Treasurer: Veronica Farrell

Registrar: Anne Marie Kirwin

County Board Delegates: Nora Grealish

Lena Ryan

Six clubs affiliated at the Convention, with one of the original clubs, Ealing Whistlers, not affiliating.

The Tara Ladies won their first and only senior championship to date in 1987, under the management of Donegal man, Tom Mahon. Tara’s defeated Wembley Gaels out at Ruislip and the winning squad of 1987 in hindsight must have appreciated Tom’s ‘no-messing’ attitude out on the training ground, as one victorious player recalls, “you never opened your mouth at Tom’s training”.

The London ladies held their first ever Dinner and Dance at which championship medals were awarded.


The uncertain economic climate in Ireland in the 1980s, with post-EC restructuring combined with unwise economic management, led to substantial job losses and a dramatic rise in unemployment. This had a knock on effect with an even more dramatic return to higher emigration rates, mirroring that of the 1950s. In 1988-89 alone, approximately 2% of the population left Ireland. The considerably growth of ladies gaelic football in London in 1988 was no coincidence, a further four clubs, namely Clan na Gael, Croydon, Kingsbury Gaels and Parnell’s affiliated at the annual Convention on the 21st February. The occasion was marked by the attendance of the President of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association in Ireland, Pat Quill and his wife. The following Board was elected:

Chairperson: Lena Ryan

Vice-Chairperson: Nora Grealish

Secretary: Anne Marie Kirwin

Assistant Secretary: Breid Igoe

Treasurer: Veronica Doherty

Assistant Treasurer: Sharon Edgecombe

PRO: Nuala O’Toole

Assistant PRO: Imelda Calaghan

Youth Officer Mary Feehan

Fixtures Committee: Lena Ryan

Nora Grealish

Bried Igoe

County Manager: Tom Mahon

County Selectors: Eunan Campbell

Bob Treacy

Many important issued were discussed at the Convention, in particular the need to have a youth officer elected to start co-ordinating an underage development plan. The motion of greatest significance, which saw London reach a momentous milestone in its development, was the decision to formally affiliate to “Cumann Peile Gael na mBhan”. London now had ten clubs competing in Ladies Gaelic Football and felt that this was an appropriate time to affiliate to the Ladies Gaelic Football of Ireland. On 20th March 1988, London delegates travelled to Dungarvon in Co Waterford for the Central Council Convention and it was there that the London Ladies Gaelic Football Board officially affiliated to Cumann Peile na mBhan.

This decision not only presented an opportunity for London to be a part of important decision making in relation to the rules and regulations of the Association but it also gave London an opportunity to compete in the All-Ireland competition at both club and county level.

In domestic competitions The Kingdom won the Senior Championship in 1988 but it was the 1987 champions – Tara – that contested the All-Ireland club championship semi-final, as the 1988 championship was not completed in time. Tara’s opponents – Adamstown of Co Wexford, came out on top.

In the London county squad of 1988, eight out of the ten London clubs were represented:

R Walsh (Clan na Gael) C Heinz (Croydon Gaels) A Clarke (Tara)

M Grey (Essex Gaels) C Molloy (Parnells) L Gibbons (Tara)

S ‘Connor (Kingdom) T McKiernan (Tara) I Callaghan (Garryowen)

G Munnelly (Garryowen) B Butler (Moinderg) E O’Brien(Wemb Gaels)

O Joice (Tara) A Carey (Essex Gaels) M O’Neill (Tara)

M Furlong (Wembley Gaels) H Breen (Wembley Gaels) C O’Malley (Tara)

G Butler (Croydon Gaels) T Minna (Wembley Gaels) F Walsh (Essex Gaels) O’Sullivan (Tara)

London weren’t long proving they were worthy of their All-Ireland status, winning the All-Ireland Junior semi-final against Dublin in London. However, Leitrim proved too strong in the final. Those involved in Ladies Gaelic Football in London at this time must have felt a real sense of achievement on reflection of the year; London affiliated to Cumann Peile Gael na mBhan, they competed in All-Ireland Club and County competition and they proved to their Irish counterparts that they were a force to be reckoned with. “Watch this space” must have been the words on many a GAA commentators lips.

The Years of Success 1989 – 1999


The new year of 1989 brought with it new optimism in Ladies GAA circles not just in London but also Manchester, as the Lancashire County Board decided to follow in London’s footsteps and affiliate to Cumann Peile Gael na mhan. Closer to home, four further clubs affiliated to the London Association at the annual convention on the

12th February 1989. This now brought the overall number of clubs to 14, as the

Fr. Murphy, The Geraldines, Sam MacGuires and St Brendans joined the hub of activity in the English capital.

The following Board Officers were duly elected:

Chairperson: Lena Ryan

Vice-Chairperson: Liz Gibbons

Secretary: Geraldine Burke

Assistant Secretary: Breid Igoe

Treasurer: Nora Grealish

Assistant Treasurer: Mary Munnelly

PRO: Nuala O’Toole

Youth Officer Mary Feehan

Fixtures Committee: Lena Ryan

Nora Grealish

Liz Gibbons

Central Council Delegates: Nora Grealish

Lena Ryan

Bob Treacy

County Manager: Tom Mahon

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

Liz Gibbons

Given the number of affiliated clubs and the relative gap in skill and experience between the respectively more established clubs and the new affiliated clubs, a “B” championship competition was drawn up as well as two leagues competitions. The senior championship was contested between Tara and the Kingdom in Ruislip, with the ’88 champions demonstrating their supremacy at this stage. The Kingdom went on to defeat Emerald Gaels in Birmingham in the first ever British Championship final. However, the Kingdom could not match their Irish counterparts, Ballymacarbary of Co Waterford, who came out on top in the All Ireland club championship semi-final.

In the other newly created domestic competitions, the Geraldines won the junior championship – quite an achievement in their first year of competitions. However in 1989, the spoils had to be shared both at junior and senior level, as the Geraldines were unable to secure the double, with Erin Gaels stealing the junior league title and Wembley gaels taking the senior league final.

On the inter-county stage, London didn’t quite live up to the great expectations they had set the previous year when they travelled to challenge Co Clare in the All-Ireland junior semi-final.


County Board Convention was held on the 28th February in the Willesden Junction Hotel and the following officers were elected:

Chairperson: Lena Ryan

Vice-Chairperson: Ogie O’Sullivan

Secretary: Geraldine Burke

Assistant Secretary: Breid Igoe

Treasurer: Nora Grealish

Assistant Treasurer: Bob Tracy

PRO: Mary Rose Conway

Assistant PRO: Geraldine Burke

Youth Officer Marian Brennan

Central Council Delegates: E O’Brien

L Ryan

F O’Connor

B Tracy

County Manager: Tom Roache

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

Lena Ryan

The following clubs affiliated, Erin Gaels, Essex Gaels, Fr Murphys, Garryowen,

Sam McGuires, The Geraldines, the Kingdom, Parnells, Taras and Wembley Gaels.

Following their success in the senior league the previous season, Wembley Gaels went on to claim the senior championship title defeating the 1989 junior champions – the Geraldines. They also managed to successfully retain the league. The Junior Championship was hotly contested between the Fr Murphys and Essex Gaels, with the latter coming out on top.

At inter-county competition, London defeated Pennines in the provincial final at Ruislip. The West of Ireland then met the West of London in the All-Ireland junior semi-final, as Galway travelled to London. The home soil of Ruislip must have suited the London players as they took the spoils and headed for Croke Park where they faced Wicklow in the Junior All-Ireland fin. On this occasion, London were unable to clinch the ultimate victory.


The London County Board Convention was held on the 3rd February at Ruislip GAA grounds. The following Board Officers were elected:

Chairperson: Lena Ryan

Vice-chairperson: Bob Treacy

Secretary: Mary Munnelly

Assistant Secretary: Ann Lister

Treasurer: Nora Grealish

Assistant Treasurer: Ann Slattery

PRO: Mary O’Rourke

Assistant PRO: Maria Diggins

Youth Officer: Geraldine Munnelly

Fixtures Committee: Martina Stackpoole

Carmel Gordon

Lena Ryan

Provincial Council Delegates: Mary Munnelly

County Manager: Lena Ryan

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

Tommy Donoghue

In domestic competitions, a pattern was beginning to emerge at senior level as for the second year in a row, Wembley Gaels sweeped up, taking both the senior championship and league titles, defeating the Geraldines and Parnells respectively. Wembley Gaels went on to win the All-Britain club championship. For a second year running, the Fr Murphys failed to claim the junior championship, on this occasion their South London rivals Clan na Gael taking the spoils.

On the county scene, a similar pattern emerged with London defeating the Pennines in the provincial final, played at Manchester. Once again London managed to secure a place in the All-Ireland junior final, defeating Dublin in the semi-final. However, once again the main prize eluded London, as this year, Clare proved too strong.


The London Ladies County Board Convention was held at Ruislip GAA grounds on the 23rd February. The following Board Officers were elected:

President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Bob Treacy

Vice-chairperson: Ann Lister

Secretary: Mary Munnelly

Assistant Secretary: Ann Spillane

Treasurer: Ann Slattery

Assistant Treasurer: Teresa O’Connell

PRO: Mary O’Rourke

Assistant PRO: Maria Diggins

Youth Officer: Gabriella Cronin

Fixtures Committee: Martin Mannering

Eta O’Brien

Mary Brennan

Irene Sheridan

Provincial Council Delegates: Ann Lister

Mary O’Rourke

Lena Ryan

County Manager: Tommy Donoghue

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

Martin Mannering

While no senior club were able to knock Wembley Gaels off their pedestal, with the North West London club once again claiming the “A” championship, defeating Parnells in the process, their opponents did however, prevent the third double in a row, by winning the league title. The 1990 junior champions – Essex Gaels – defeated Heston in “B” championship.

The rebel county travelled to London for the Junior All-Ireland semi-final. London trailed during the first half and were down by eight points going into the second half. With the wind behind them in the second half, they came back strongly, stretching their opposition to a sixteen-point deficit. It is amazing what a tail-wind and a bit of determination can do for a team. London won.


The county Convention was held on the 14th February at Ruislip GAA grounds. The following Board Officers were elected:

President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Bob Treacy

Vice-chairperson: Ann Lister

Secretary: Mary Munnelly

Assistant Secretary: Gabriella Cronin

Treasurer: Fiona O’Connor

Assistant Treasurer: Patricia Casey

PRO: Lena Ryan

Youth Officer: Mary Brennan

Carmel Browne

Fixtures Committee: C Laffan

Jackie Honan

Ann Slattery

Provincial Council Delegates: Lena Ryan

Gabrielle Cronin

Central Council Delegates: Mary Munnelly

Ann Lister

Bob Treacy

Tommy Donoghue

County Manager: Tommy Donoghue

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

Martin Mannering

This year Parnells finally won the prize they had been so closely missing out on the “A” championship, defeating the Geraldines. They went on to achieve what their predecessor had done for so long and claim the league title too, defeating the Kingdom. Clan na Gaels got revenge on their old rivals, the Fr. Murphys claiming the “B” championship.

Parnells and Emerald Gaels contested the British Championship in Manchester and as history predicted the London side came out on top once again.

At county level, 1993 was to become a year where London truly would break the mould and make history. In the Junior All-Ireland semi-final, they played Roscommon in Dr Hyde Park, Roscommon. London won by a comfortable seven points. They went on to meet Donegal in the final in Croke Park, Dublin. For so many years, London developed a reputation as ‘the team that go so close, yet so far’ and this year they took the field as the underdogs. However, they proved their critics wrong and by the time the final whistle had blown they were most definitely on top of the world, with a very convincing win over Donegal. The John Timmons cup was lifted up high in Croke Park with much pride by the London captain. Now all the efforts in the years gone by to get Ladies Gaelic Football up and running in London were now realised. Mary Brennan and Tish Mimna were both awarded All Stars for their key role in helping London to that historic title.


County Convention was held on the 20th February at Ruislip GAA ground and the following Board Officers were elected:

President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Mary Brennan

Vice-chairperson: Martin Mannering

Secretary: Mary Munnelly

Assistant Secretary: Caroline Rattigan

Treasurer: Ann Spillane

Assistant Treasurer: Patricia Casey

PRO: Jackie McCowan

Youth Officer: Josie Munnelly

Fixtures Secretary: Ann Slattery

Provincial Council Delegates: Martin Mannering

Caroline Rattigan

Central Council Delegates: Lena Ryan

Tommy Donoghue

Carmel Browne

County Manager: Tommy Donoghue

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

“A” Championship: Parnells v Geraldines Parnells won

“B” Championship:

League: Parnells won

British Championship

All-Ireland quarter-final: London v Mayo

London lost to May by seven points after conceding two goals in the first five minutes.


The following Board Officers were elected at the Annual Convention

President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Bob Treacy

Vice-chairperson: Irene Sherdian

Secretary: Mary Brennan

Assistant Secretary: Deirdre O’Gorman

Treasurer: Jeanie Sheridan

Assistant Treasurer: Claire Maybin

PRO: Teresa O’Connell

Youth Officer: Josie Munnelly

Fixtures Secretary: Jane Tierney

Fixtures Committee: Patricia Casey

Caroline Rattigan

Fiona Murphy

County Manager: Tommy Donoghue

County Selectors: Bob Treacy

“A” Championship: Parnells won

“B” Championship: Fr Murphys won

League: Parnells won.

This was Parnells year as they went on to reach the final of the All-Ireland Club Championship and in doing so made history by being the first British Club to reach an All-Ireland Club final.

All-Ireland Senior quarter-final – London v Monaghan played at Ruislip. London experienced a heavy defeat at the hands of Monaghan.

All-Ireland 7 a side competition – won by Parnells. This victory made them the first British ladies club to win an All-Ireland title.


The Annual Convention was held at the Flora Public House in London. Ten clubs affiliated and the following Board Officers were elected:

Life President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Bob Treacy *


Secretary: Deirdre O’Gorman

Assistant Secretary: Jane Tierney

Treasurer: Jeanie Sheridan

Assistant Treasurer: Irene Sheridan

PRO: Sarah Maher **

Youth Officer: Clare Maybin ***

County Manager: Mick Murphy

County Selectors: Darren Murphy

* Jane Tierney elected into the position after the Chairman resigned.

** Katrina Coleman elected into the position following the resignation of Sarah Maher

*** Siobhan Faughan elected after the resignation of Claire Maybin.


“A” Championship final – Parnells won

“B” Championship final – Holloway Gaels won

League won by Parnells

Clan na Gael won Mary Feehan Cup

All-Ireland Senior quarter-final – London v Mayo, London lost heavily to Mayo.


County Convention was held at the Flora Public House, London. The following officers were elected to the County Board:

Life President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Irene Sheridan

Vice-chairperson: Patricia Casey

Secretary: Jane Tierney

Treasurer: Fiona Murphy-Diggins*

Assistant Treasurer: Bridie Maxwell

PRO: Katrina Coleman

Youth Officer: Siobhan Faughan

County Manager: Kieran Quinn

* Bridie Maxwell elected following the resignation of Fiona Murphy-Diggins.

“A” Championship final – Parnells v Clan an Gaels – Parnells won

“B” Championship final – Fr Murphys v Heston – Fr Murphys won

League and Mary Feehan Cup won by Parnells

All-Ireland Intermediate quarter-final – London v Clare played in Ennis, Clare won.


The annual County Convention was held in the Green Man in Sudbury. The following officers were elected:

Life President: Marion McGee

Chairperson: Jane Tierney *

Vice-chairperson: Rita O’Hanlon-Wright

Secretary: Margaret Dillon

Assistant Secretary: Jonathan Dillon

Treasurer: Bridie Maxwell

PRO: Suzanne Lynch

Youth Officer: Siobhan Faughan

County Manager: Tommy Donoghue

County Selector: Colin Dee

* Tommy Donoghue elected following the resignation of Jane Tierney.

“A” Championship final – Parnells v Fr Murphys – Parnells won

“B” Championship final – Holloway Gaels v Heston – Holloway Gaels won

League won by Fr Murphys

Mary Feehan Cup won by Parnells

All-Ireland Intermediate semi-final – London v Laois, played in Parnell Park, London. Despite dominating the first half, London were unable to score. A goal by Lulu Carroll in the second half sealed London’s fate. As the whistle sounded across Parnell Park, Laois had secured themselves a place in the final with a four point victory over London.

The Bi-Annual International competition commenced in 1988 and teams from all over the world met in Dublin to compete in a week long tournament. London met North America in the cup final, which proved tote a very fast and evenly matched game. In the end fitness helped London to take the international title 2-8 to 1-6. Inci8dentially, Sharon Edgecombe, a member of the North American side who lost to London, was originally a London based player herself in the 1982s at club and county level. To add to the nostalgia, London’s Tish O’Brien played alongside Sharon on the 1988 county team. Ten years down the line, they were both still playing but on opposite sides of the Atlantic!!! The following March the squad celebrated their victory at a dance held at St Cyprian’s Catholic Hall in Brockley. Jackie Mason-Hamyln, Chairperson of Greenwich Sports Council presented Tommy Donoghue with a miniature cup to mark the occasion.

County Team

Orla Harrell (Parnells) Fiona Donaghy (Clan na Gael)

Anne-Marie McDonnell (Fr Murphys) Rita Kearney (Fr Murphys)

Evelyn Griffin (Parnells) Ann-Marie Snee (Parnells)

Laura Harrison (Parnells) Marie Kelly (Parnells)

Patricia O’Brien (Parnells) Sharon Lynch (Parnells)

Mary Holland (Parnells) Jackie McCowan (Parnells)

Linda Finnegan (Parnells)


London Irish press reported the annual Convention of 1999 to be the most “successful and positive” to date with Provincial President Angela Baggot and Provincial Secretary Theresa Baggot in attendance. Also in attendance was London Minor Board Chairman, Noel O’Sullivan, which indicatively lead to a real emphasis on the youth and schools. At the convention it was decided to set up a youth committee and a development fund of £2,000. The whole structure of the league and championship was changed with a new format to include two divisions in the league, a senior and junior championship and separate cup competitions for both grades were agreed. Representatives from St Marys College in Twickenham had their request for entry at junior level accepted.

Joe Fryday, a long serving stalwart of the ladies games who has diligently promoted the sport in South London, was rewarded for his efforts in 1999 by being elected as President of the London Ladies County Board. The following individuals were duly elected:

Chairperson: Tommy Donoghue

Vice-Chairperson: Bob Treacy

Secretary: Jonathan Dillon

Assistant Secretary:

Treasurer: Bridie Maxwell

Assistant Treasurer: Maggie Dillon

PRO: Jackie McCowen

Youth Officer: Jackie McCowen

In the inaugural year of the Junior League Cup, Heston ladies put on a fine performance to defeat opponents Kingdom/Kerry Gael 4-12 – 1-0. Heston were best served by the sister partnership of Imogen and Lucinda Hickey. Heston also claims the Tom O’Connor Cup.


1986 Wembley Gaels won Championship

1987 Tara won Championship

1988 Kingdom won Championship

Tara 1987 winners represented London

in semi-final of All-Ireland Club Championship

1989 Kingdom won “A” Championship

Geraldines won “B Championship

Wembley Gaels won League

1990 Wembley Gaels won “A” Championship

Essex Gaels won “B” Championship

Wembley Gaels won League

1991 Wembley Gaels won “A” Championship

Clan na Gael won “B” Championship

Wembley Gaels won League

1992 Wembley Gaels won “A Championship

Essex Gaels won “B” Championship

won League

1993 Parnells won “A” Championship

Clan na Gael won “B” Championship

Parnells won League

1994 Parnells won “A” Championship

won “B” Championship

Parnells won League

1995 Parnells won “A” Championship

Fr Murphys won “B” Championship

Parnells won League

Parnells won Mary Feehan Cup

1996 Parnells won “A” Championship

Fr Murphys won “B” Championship

Parnells won League

Clan na Gael won Mary Feehan Cup

1997 Parnells won “A” Championship

Fr Murphys won “B” Championship

Parnells won League

Parnells won Mary Feehan Cup

1998 Parnells won “A” Championship

Holloway Gaels won “B” Championship

Fr urphys won League

Parnells won Mary Feehan Cup

1999 Parnells won “A” Championship

Holloway Gaels won “B” Championship

League not completed

Parnells won Mary Feehan Cup


1988 London 1-2 Dublin 0-5

London v Dublin in replay Junior All-Ireland Semi-final

played in Croke Park, Dublin

London won 1-5 to 1-4

London v Leitrim in Junior all-Ireland final played in

Croke Park, Dublin.

Leitrim won 2-8 to 0-5

1989 London v Clare in Junior All-Ireland semi-final at

Cusack Park, Ennis

Clare won 2-3 to 0-5

1990 London v Pennine in Provincial final, played at

Ruislip London. London won

London v Galway in Junior All-Ireland semi-final

played at Ruislip, London

London won 1-7 to 0-7

London v Wicklow in Junior All-Ireland final

played in Croke Park.

Wicklow won 3-3 to 2-1

1991 London v Pennine in Provincial final, played in

Turn Moss, Manchester. London won

London v Dublin in Junior All-Ireland semi-final

played in Dublin

London won 1-10 to 1-8

London v Clare in Junior All-Ireland final. Played at

Croke Park.

Clare won 0-8 to 1-2

1992 London v Pennine in Pronincial final. London won

London v Cork in Junior All-Ireland semi-final in

Ruislip London

London won 4-5 to 1-9

London v Monaghan in Junior All-Ireland final in

Croke Park.

Monaghan won 2-8 to 2-6

1993 London v Pennine in Provincial final. London won

London v Roscommon in Junior All-Ireland semi-final

played in Dr Hyde Park, Ireland

London won 0-11 to 0-5

London v Donegal in Junior All-Ireland final in

Croke Park, Ireland.

London won 4-8 to 0-3

1994 London v Mayo in Senior All Ireland quarter final

played at Castlebar

May won 2-7 to 0-6

1995 London v Monaghan in Senior All-Ireland quarter final

in Ruislip London

Monaghan won 4-18 to 0-2

1996 London v Mayo in Senior All Ireland quarter final in

Ruislip London.

Mayo won 2-18 to 1-2

1997 London v Clare in Intermediate All-Ireland quarter final

in Ennis.

Clare won 3-13 to 3-3

1998 London v Laois in All-Ireland Intermediate semi-final

in Parnell Park, London

Laois won 1-13 to 1-7

1999 London v Kerry in Intermediate All-Ireland quarter final

in Killarney.

Kerry won 3-15 to 1-5

London beat Warwickshire and Lancashire in

Provincial competition. London won.

London v Carlow in the Junior All-Ireland quarter final

played in Dr Cullen Park, Carlow

Carlow won 3-18 to 0-2

Remembering Past Gaels and Players

It is impossible to talk about Ladies Gaelic Football in London without remembering past players who have died and gone before us. Needless to say that whilst they may have left us in a physical sense, the memories of their contribution to Gaelic Football in London will never be gone.

We remember:

Clare Williams RIP from the Wembley Gaels Club. Clare featured on the county panel for many years and was a strong inspiration to the London team who won the Junior All-Ireland title in 1993.

Mary Feehan RIP from the Garryowen Club, who not only contributed on the field of play, but also held a London County Board position and was Youth Officer for two years. London Gaels take much pride in playing for the Mary Feehan Cup, which is competed for on an annual basis.

Kate Clarke RIP of the Tara Club is remembered for her fun-loving character, which was evident both on and off the pitch. The London Championship Cup is commemorated to Kate.

May Roe RIP of the Geraldines Club and Clan na Gael in more recent years. Mary was an eminent player on the London County Panel and is much missed by her fellow club and county players.

Laura McFarlane RIP of the Garryowen Club and Fr Murphys in more recent years, had show much promise as an up and coming player for the County Panel in the year she played prior to her death.

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