



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

Foireann is the GAA Games Management system, it’s a member focussed system, providing the member the functions to manage their own data. The Foireann system can be access via www.foireann.ie 

As Foireann is a new membership system, significant support material has been prepared and is available via the Help Portal within Foireann.


The Foireann Help Portal is broken down into three core offerings.

  • Foireann Help Centre – the first port of call any time you are trying to find something out about Foireann. Every piece of functionality on both our mobile and web app is documented on the Foireann Help Centre through written instructions, annotated screenshots and guided video walkthroughs.
  • Foireann Webinars – our webinars aim to give users access to feature demonstrations, blended with live Q&A’s so, if we don’t cover the specific part of Foireann you need to find out more about, you can ask us there and then.
  • Foireann Help Desk – if you can’t get the information you need on the Help Centre, or via a webinar, then the Help Desk is your next option. You can now contact the Help desk via three channels…
    • In-app Contact Form (Use Foireann contact form to ask a question)
    • Leave a Message
    • Email Foireann Support – foireann@gaa.ie


We have broken the Foireann registration process into the following headings.

  • New Club
  • Setting up a Foireann Account
  • Adding Clubs and Counties to your Foireann Profile
  • Club Admins on Foireann
  • Setting up Stripe
  • Creating Membership Options and Updating Membership Options
  • Registration process for Members
    • Stage 1 between Member and Club which can be completed in 3 different ways.
    • Adding Funds to Clubs Stripe account.
    • Paying LGFA Annual Levies
    • Stage 2 between Club to County, Province and the National LGFA Association
  • Awaiting Approval by the LGFA


New Club

Before a new LGFA club can get setup on Foireann to register their members they must complete a New Club Application Form (link to position on website). The club then forwarded this form to their County Board and the County Board ratifies the club at a County Board meeting.

Once the new club is ratified, the Co. Secretary forward the details and form to the LGFA.


After the club is ratified and the County Board has informed the LGFA, the National Registrar will request the club to be setup on the Foireann system. Once this is completed the national registrar will email the Club Secretary and Registrar.


Setting up a Foireann Account

To begin your journey with Foireann, it’s essential to register your details if you haven’t already. This process ensures that you have a personalized account and can enjoy the full benefits of the platform. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register, verify your email address, and complete your profile.

Setting up a Foireann account – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


Adding Clubs and Counties to your Foireann Profile

You can add multiply Clubs and Counties to your Foireann Profile and then within the Membership tab you can access each.

On the Profile page go down to the bottom and select add club.

Association = LGFA

County Board = Select your County

Club = Select your Club


If you are a County Administrator or a County Player, you go to Profile page and go down to the bottom and select add club.

Association = LGFA

County Board = Select your County

Club = Select your County again (County)


Likewise, if you are not involved with a Club or County anymore, i.e. you were a Coach/Selector and have moved on to another Club/County you can remove* that account from your Foireann Membership tab.


* Please note, if you are moving from a club to another (subject to meeting all rules and regulations), you should complete your registration with the new club before removing your old club from your profile so that all your membership history is together.


Club Admins on Foireann

At least one Club Administrator will be setup for each club, and they can setup others based on the following help document.

Assigning/Adding Administrator Access to another Member in your Club – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


Setting Up Stripe

To accept online payments from club members, pay LGFA registration fees, a Stripe account will need to be set up.


Stripe is the online payment processing platform, chosen for use within the Foireann system, which allows your club to receive electronic payments and distribute them to your clubs’ bank account.

Setting up a Foireann-linked Stripe account – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)

Stripe Explained – click HERE




Creating Membership Options or Updating Membership Options

How to create, delete, edit or update membership options on Foireann. Clubs generally provide their members with several options to choose from when subscribing for the upcoming season and examples typically include Full Membership, Youth Membership, Playing / Non-Playing options etc.  These options can be catered for following the simple steps in the Membership Options section of Foireann. There are a number of help documents within this section that explains the process.

Creating Membership Options – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


How to update membership options for the new season – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


Registration process for Members

Please note this is a 2-stage process.


Stage 1 – is between member and club and there are 3 ways that this can be done.

Option 1 – Individual Member Registration on Foireann with online payment (member driven system – the preferred method)

Registering for LGFA Membership online – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)

Option 2 – Payment by member offline of Foireann, which is sub divided into

Pay Later in Club

Manually Register

Registering LGFA Members offline – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)

With this option clubs must add funds to their Stripe account to pay LGFA Levies and registrations.

Option 3 – Club using third party piece of software i.e. Clubforce, Clubzap etc etc

1-Click & Guided Registration – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


For option 2 and 3 the club must add funds to their stripe account

The following Foireann help article explains how to add funds to a club’s stripe account, see also article above on setting up Stripe.

Adding funds to your Foireann-linked Stripe account – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


Paying LGFA Annual Levies

Before a club can complete any LGFA registrations they must pay the current LGFA Annual Levies as agreed by Central Council. The following Foireann help article explains the process.

How do I pay the LGFA annual levies – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)


Stage 2 – is the completion of the LGFA registration by the club registrar/admin. Once your members have registered with your club, you are required to pay the registration fees to your County, Province and the National LGFA Association.

Paying LGFA Registration Fees to the County, Province and Association – Gaelic Athletic Association (zendesk.com)

This same process is required for Camogie members, but GAA members don’t have this process as their registration goes straight to a Green (fully registered chip without this step).



Awaiting Approval from the LGFA

At this stage, you have completed all administrative tasks to register the member(s) selected. The LGFA now must review and approve the registrations.

Registrations are approved in the morning, around 2pm and then again before 5pm.


Please note a member is not registered until the approval is completed and the membership changes to Green on the Foireann system.


Registrations are approved between Monday and Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Anything after 5pm is approved the following day.

If registration is not completed by a club to a Friday night, then it will be Monday morning or Tuesday after a bank holiday before it is approved.


The above help documents are only the minimum required for a club to setup and complete registrations, please review all help documents within each section of the Foireann Help Portal.


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