



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

In line with our LGFA strategic Plan 2011-2016, the LGFA is committed to developing a TY/AS programme that will prepare students for “eventual roles as players, coaches, and administrators in the future”. The association is committed to “building leadership, team work and networking skills” into the TY/AS programme.


As a result the TY/AS programme was revamped and re-launched for the 2013/14 academic year with an aim of making the programme more attractive to schools looking to identify modules that are reflective of the many aims outlined in the TY/AS Curriculum. The LGFA TY/AS programmes’ key focus is to ensure students gain lifelong skills that are transferable to many aspects of academic and social situations both inside and outside the school.


Aims of the LGFA TY/AS programme:

Upon completion of the LGFA TY/AS Programme students will have:

• Developed personal skills particularly in the areas of coaching and refereeing of Ladies football.

• Created links with key partners in the community during the event planning module, therefore preparing them for their role as responsible members of society.


LGFA TY/AS Programme Outline:

Day 1 Training Day

 Basics of Coaching

 Basics of Refereeing

 Event Management training

 Event Planning – important the teacher is in attendance at this point


Day 2 Event Day

The students will utilise their skills developed in Day 1 to host an event in the school for one of the two groups listed below. Working in groups they will organise the event in all areas such as promotion- pre and post event, coaching and refereeing.


Day 2 can be organised in conjunction with the following group:

 Local Primary Schools in the catchment area (5th/6th Class Girls)

 1st year female students in the school and/or surrounding schools


Benefits of LGFA TY/AS Programme to the School:

• Provision of a TY programme that develops more than just sporting skills but also develops planning, team work and leadership qualities.

• This programme provides an opportunity for the school to forge strong sustainable links with the local Primary schools and LGFA clubs in the area.

• Through the programme the students will receive training in event management that can be utilised by the school for other programmes: e.g. Sports day, awards ceremonies, open days etc.


Benefits of LGFA/AS Programme to the Students:

Each student who completes the 2 day programme will receive an LGFA TY/AS Certificate.

The student will be provided with basic training in the areas of coaching, refereeing, and event management

Students will be qualified to officiate at Go Games Level in LGFA, the first step in the LGFA refereeing pathway.


How much does it cost?

• The cost of this programme is €10/£10 per student.


What are the minimum numbers?

• A minimum number of 12 students and the maximum of 20 apply for this programme, boys and girls.



Sample feedback from the Pilot Programme:

TY Teacher

• ‘I found that the students took ownership of their own learning. They engaged fully and took responsibility for their own actions’

• ‘TY Students made friendship links with first years – they really enjoyed this aspect’


TY Students

• ‘I learned loads about Gaelic Football and was able to pass on my skills by teaching them to others’

• I want to be a Primary school teacher and I feel like I have learned many skills towards that’


For more information on the TY/AS programme in your Province contact:

Munster –  Gearóid Balfry Ph: (061) 352 666 (w), (083) 353 4875 (m) gdo.munster@lgfa.ie

Ulster – Ciarán Murtagh Ph: (048) 375 171 89 (w), (0044) 779 516 0979 (m) ciaran.murtagh.ulster@gaa.ie

Connacht – Claire Towey Burke Ph: (094) 902 0939 (w), (086) 413 3538 (m), gdo.connacht@lgfa.ie

Leinster – Suzi Bowen, PH: (057) 867 1255 (w), (087) 768 1288 (m) gdo.leinster@lgfa.ie



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