Involvement in Ladies Gaelic Football aids the all round development of young girls in Ireland. It is recommended that children get 60 minutes of exercise everyday. This can come in various forms but involvement in a local club, school team or summer camp will provide young girls with some of this activity in a fun and safe enviornment. As a team sport Ladies Gaelic Football also provides a social outlet for young girls. They get the oppurtunity to mix with other girls from their locality in a context in which inclusivness, fair play and equality are of the utmost importance. While children in Ireland are being constantly bombarded by the media trying to push the latest craze, the latest fashion item, or the latest pop star, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association strives to provide positive role models for young girls through the promotion of our senior club and county players. You will not see this promotion on billboards or on flashy TV ads but rather on your local pitches and in your local schools when our adult club and county players give up their time to coach and talk to underage players in order to pass on their love of the game and help young girls get the most our of their involvement. Players Age Dispensation Female Athlete Health Player pathway Player Health Education Videos Mouthguards Lgfa and SSC ACL Injury Prevention Programme Laoch Programme Playing Rules- Irish Useful Links Underage Players