Sport and physical activity are central to the fabric of life in Ireland. As citizens of this state, people with disabilities have a right to be active within their local communities. In Cara’s efforts to truly understand what it is really like for a person with a disability to be active in Ireland, they carried out nationwide focus groups with people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. They engaged with 140 people across 22 counties, who were both active and inactive, and asked about their experiences, challenges and needs in relation to their participation in sport and physical activity. From the vast feedback they received, they have developed the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter, which clearly outlines the five key areas people with disabilities are asking all organisations to consider in making active and healthy lifestyles possible for them. Why sign up? • Be part of Ireland’s first ever Charter specific to the participation of people with disabilities in sport and physical activity • Strengthen and expand your reach within your local community • Avail of expertise and support available through Cara and Sport Ireland networks • Remove barriers facing people with disabilities in their participation in sport and physical activity • Contribute to achieving the goals of the National Sports Policy 2018-2027 What will you get by signing up? By signing up to this Charter, your club will receive: • Resources to support you in your journey in addressing the five specific key areas identified by people with disabilities • Media templates to publicise your support of the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter • Bi-monthly e-zine to keeping you updated on the Charter and all developments in relation to sport and physical activity for people with disabilities • Information on training and events specific to the inclusion of people with disabilities in sport and physical activity Full information is available at the link below: Cara Sport Inclusion Disability Charter Information Clubs All Stars Inclusive Programme 50 Club Visits Inclusive Clubs Club Compás Critical Incident Response Plan Take a Second Club School Links Cara Sport Inclusion Disability Charter Active Disability Ireland Xcessible Club Toolkit Club Nursery Programme Club Participation Certificate Welcome Poster Club Female Liaison Officer Covid-19 Club Education Finance Funding opportunities Holding an AGM LGFA Talk Project Sports Capital Programme Transgender policy Child Welfare and Protection Registration - Foireann One Club Guidelines Club Officer Guidelines Club Development Kidzone Sign Club Re-Grading Player Transfers