19 February 2007 Dublin Ladies Board Notes Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Dublin Ladies Board Notes The AGM will reconvene at next months County Committee Meeting which will be held in Aras Atha Cliath Parnell Park on Tuesday February 20th 2007 at 7.30pm sharp. Each club is entitled to have TWO delegates present on the night. The February county meeting will follow the conclusion of the AGM.Clubs are also reminded that all nominations for Registrar and Children’s Officer should be with Secretary by 5pm on Tuesday 20th February 2007. REMINDER again ALL CLUBS Must return all Trophies from both this and last season to the Secretary or PRO at next months county Committee Meeting. Outstanding 2006 fixtures have recommenced .Details of all fixtures will be sent out to clubs and will be posted on hill 16.ie.For any further details please contact Fixtures Secretary Philip Brady @086-8156224 There will be a Special Grading meeting held on Tuesday February 27th at 7.30pm in Aras Atha Cliath, Parnell Park. It is vital that ALL CLUBS are represented at this meeting as ALL grading for the coming season will be finalised on the night. Congrats to the Dublin Ladies Senior team who recorded their first victory in this year’s National League campaign with a 5-13 to 1-5 victory over Limerick. Well done to all involved. Share this Article 0 0