25 January 2005 Information on Rochester Erins Isle in New York Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Information on Rochester Erins Isle in New York My name is Mary Tunney and would like to tell you about our new Gaelic football club in Rochester, New York called Erins Isle. Our website is www.rochestererinsisle.org. We are part of a five team league here in Upstate New York comprising of two teams in Buffalo, a team in Syracuse, a team in Albany, New York and of course ourselves here in Rochester. As a part of the North American Gaelic Athletic Association we will be competing in 8 league games this year. We are presently working on a number ideas to promote some interest in Gaelic Football in the Western New York community. Specifically with the Great American Festival in Utica New York. Their organization would like to host a sevens a side or nine a side tournament at their festival each year. Please visit their website www.greatamericanirishfestival.com and there is a contact link on the site to reach their President: Matt Sullivan by email: President-Sullivan@GreatAmericanIrishFestival.com His address: 8002 Rte 28 Barneveld, NY 13304 His phone number is : Home 315-896-6733 Cell 315-725-9784 Our organization is looking to spread the word on Gaelic games and Matt is interested to speaking with your club about attending a tournament on Saturday July 30th and he’ll see what he can put together. Once he decides there’s sufficient interest, he’ll look for a sponsor. Last year the Utica Irish festival had 7000 people attend which was for one day and this year their event is on for two days. They are also drawing up a strategic plan to develop an idea for visiting athletes, how they could help develop a team tournament, figuring out specifically what must be done, what they will need to organize and implement the effort as teams become interested in attending the tournament. Even if your unable to attend please contact Matt and his committee as he would like any help or advice in this matter as they have never hosted a Gaelic Football tournament. Thanks for the opportunity to contact your club about our ideas and promoting good spirit and excitement in Gaelic games in your area. I believe this type of arrangement would benefit all of our organizations. Is mise le meas Mary Tunney www.rochestererinsisle.org Erin’s Isle GFC Brendan Tunney Chairman Cell:585-224-6706 eire@localnet.com Tom Callahan Registrar Cell: 585.746.1466 tcallahan@wokr13.tv Mary O’ Connor Treasurer moconnor@bhcg.com Mary Tunney Secretary tipp@localnet.com Share this Article 0 0