NUIGalway Invite Sports Scholarship Applications

Pages from NUIG_Sports Scholarships_Brochure 2015

NUI Galway supports high performing athletes in a wide range of sports through its Sports Scholarship program. We currently have 86 athletes in 17 different sports benefitting from NUI Galway Sports Scholarships.


NUI Galway is pleased to offer in addition to the High Performance scholarship a limited number of scholarships with Performance points. Those students who apply to NUI Galway through the CAO and achieve a minimum of 350 CAO points in their leaving certificate will be awarded 40 “Performance points.”


This Scholarship program is strategically developed not just to reward their ability and previous performances but to assist these young athletes to develop their sporting ability hand in hand with their academic progress.


The benefits of being a scholarship holder include;

  • A subsistence grant
  • Coaching support
  • Medical and  Physiotherapy support
  • Performance Nutrition
  • Performance Psychology
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Performance planning and mentoring.


Each Scholarship will be built around the individuals needs and their chosen sport. Our key goal is to provide the supports that the ambitious and dedicated athlete can avail of to help them improve to the highest levels and to enable them to gain an outstanding qualification at the same time.


Kathy Hynes, NUI Galway said

“Our scholarship scheme enables and supports to the highest international standard. Giving outstanding talent the opportunity to develop”

Current Scholarship holders include inters county senior hurlers and footballers, International sprinters, rowers, swimmers, rugby, basketball and soccer players.


Please find attached NUI Galway’s Sports Scholarship Brochure. Please forward on to students that may be interested in applying for an NUI Galway Sports Scholarship. Applications for Sports


Scholarships may now be submitted online


The closing date for receipt of applications for Performance point’s scholarships is 31st March 31st. Elite scholarships July 31st.


If you require any more details please contact, Kathy Hynes on 091 493475 or


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