02 May 2008 THE ARMAGH SPECIALS Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! 'THE ARMAGH SPECIALS' Do you have a girl or boy who just loves to have fun, play games and has an interest in sports?Do you have a child who for any reason does not play in a club team? Does you child want to get involved and meet new people? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, this could be just what you are looking for!! We are a group who are trying to get together a gaa based activity club where finally your child can get involved in having some fun, playing games and meeting new people. It is primarily for kids under 18 but really everyone is invited. So get in contact with us and let us know if it is something you may be interested in. All denominations welcome. Come on lets get started!! Do not hesitate to contact us either by phone or email, whatever your preference. We need you!! Contact Lorna Browne Email: d.browne52@btinternet.com (South Armagh) TELEPHONE 02830879383 OR 07977484161 Lucy Groom Email: armaghsec@gmail.com (Armagh All Areas) TELEPHONE: 02837507674 OR 07816205393 Kathleen Lavelle: gaaspecialsarmagh@gmail.com (South Armagh) TELEPHONE: 02830878218 Karen Savage: Email: karen.savage9@tiscali.co.uk (Mid Armagh) TELEPHONE: 07841678828 Shinead Coleman Email: da_p0078@hotmail.com (North Armagh) TELEHONE: 077464364437 A GAA FOR ALL ADAPTED GAMES COURSE WILL BE HELD MAY 6TH, ARMAGH REGIONAL COLLEGE, 7-9PM. FREE FOR ANYONE TO ATTEND. EXTRA DETAILS FROM UNA MC KAY umckay@ulster.gaa.ie 07920528793 Share this Article 0 0