03 November 2023 Expression of Interest – Delivery of the National Player Health Check Programme for Intercounty Camogie Players and Ladies’ Footballers Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Expression of Interest – Delivery of the National Player Health Check Programme for Intercounty Camogie Players and Ladies’ Footballers Section 1. Introduction The LGFA, GPA and Camogie Association are seeking expressions of interest for the development and delivery of the 2023/2024 National player health screening programme. The Intercounty Government funding scheme for Ladies Gaelic Football and Camogie was launched in 2017 with the purpose of providing funding to support an enhanced playing and training environment for Intercounty Camogie players and Ladies footballers. The funding scheme is managed by the Intercounty Support Group (ISG) comprised of an independent chairperson, scheme administrator and two representatives each from the LGFA, the Camogie Association, GPA, and the GAA. The ISG reports to a higher-level Steering Group that includes representation from and Sport Ireland. As part of this scheme, a player health check pilot programme was launched in 2019 and has since been provided on an annual basis to the highest-grade teams in each County. The national player health check programme aims to identify and inform players about their general health and performance related issues. Section 2. The brief The successful tenderer is required to: A. Manage and deliver a National Health Screening Programme to approximately 29 teams each season, for two seasons. B. Provide screening that is suitable for elite athletes that can include, but is not limited to physical health checks, blood tests that may include blood count, diabetes testing, liver function testing, cholesterol testing, vitamin levels testing, iron levels testing, thyroid function testing, Cardiac screening and health, nutrition and lifestyle testing. C. Provide a doctor review mechanism to review each individual health screen and provide information and recommendations as required. D. Provide a medical report with recommendations where necessary to each player involved in the health screening. Liaise with medical professionals if necessary. E. Provide a copy of player results to their nominated team Doctor or GP, in the event of a significant abnormality and where it may be unsafe for the player to train /play, inform the Team Manager (if there is no team Doctor) in place. F. Provide information and guidance to players prior to the health screening date informing them of the health screening process, what to expect and any follow up G. Provide health screening ideally 7 days per week and in the evenings to accommodate players where (submissions must indicate what the provider can offer) between January and June 2024. H. Provide flexibility on delivery of health Potential to liaise with teams from both codes or adjacent Counties in order to provide efficiency of service I. Identify and organise a suitable location within each County to carry out the screening programme. J. Offer an online registration and booking system that allows players to register and book appointment for their upcoming health checks. K. Provide health screening for a minimum of 15 players per team and a maximum of 30 players per Should county boards wish to register additional players over the maximum (30) this should be managed by the successful provider directly with the county board. L. Provide details of cancellation and rescheduling processes for health screening dates and cancelled/ missed player appointments including breakdown of costs. M. Ensure that booking management and delivery details are regularly communicated to the scheme administrator, to ensure the maximum uptake of the health screening appointments and ongoing communication on how the booking and health screening process is proceeding. N. Ensure that this national health screening programme is compliant with GDPR obligations and ensure that all players’ medical data and personal information is kept safe and secure. O. Fully indemnify the LGFA, GPA & the Camogie Association against all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and claims of any kind arising from any error or omission however arising out of or in connection with the provisions of this Health checks P. Provide ongoing monthly reports and a final analysis report to ISG on completion of the screening. Q. Make recommendations for additional ‘add-on’ testing which may not be included in standard package. Provide full breakdown of additional costs and benefits of enhanced testing. Section 3. Expression of Interest Submissions Submissions will be accepted from companies that can provide this service themselves or by consortia, where the lead provider details through the submission the complete service that will be provided, how they will lead the entire project and manage partners in providing the highest quality service to players and the ISG where every player receives the same service. Each provider is asked to submit their expression of interest (no more than 20 pages) The submission must detail: How your company or consortium (with one lead company assuming overall responsibility) could implement Section 2 The brief every point (A-Q) must be explained and addressed. The type of health checks that you would provide to players and the method of delivery. You may provide a series of options to select from. The qualifications and relevant experience of the designated lead contact, and details of team members involved in the As well as contingency plans should circumstances require a change in personnel. How you would work to the budget of maximum €92,220 (Inc. VAT) This is inclusive of all expenses, travel, subsistence and administration. Any quotations exceeding this amount will not be evaluated. A full breakdown of notice periods, cost of cancellations and minimum timeframes to organise clinics. The submission must demonstrate: Technical and professional ability to meet the expression of interest requirements, including at least two examples of relevant work completed within the last 3 Quality assurance standards including procedures for maintaining data protection and security of information. An understanding of the amateur sports context in which Camogie and Ladies Football operates in the context of a health screening programme. Capacity to complete work in the time frame outlined November / December 2023 appointment and planning meetings January 2024, book health screening programmes and send out player information advice. February 2024 – March 2024 Deliver the screening Provide analysis and a final report to ISG by May 2024 Section 4. Award Criteria Compliance with expression of interest requirements outlined in Section 2 & 3 above. (30 points) Relevant qualifications of person(s) working on the (30 points) Demonstrated merit/quality of proposed approach to a national health screening programme for intercounty ladies camogie and football players. (30 points) Total (10 points) The ISG evaluation panel may shortlist or meet submitting organisations at their discretion. The costs of attending such a meeting will be borne by the submitting organisation. The ISG evaluation panel is not obliged to accept the cheapest quotation. All submitting organisations will be advised in writing of the final decision. All proposals will remain strictly confidential. Section 5. Conflict of Interest The submitting organisation should declare if any personnel that are proposed to work on this programme, if awarded, may have a conflict of interest and provide details of same. Should there be any conflict of interests identified by the submitting organisation or their personnel, all details must be provided to the ISG evaluation panel at the time of application. In the event of any such conflict or potential conflict, the ISG evaluation panel may at its absolute discretion decide on the appropriate course of action and the decision of the ISG evaluation panel will be final and binding in this regard. A conflict of interest may include any factor, whether arising through personal interest, current or prospective contractual obligations or any other activity or association, which could prejudice the submitting organisation or its agents in the delivery, of the services required under the contract. Section 6. Intellectual and Property Rights The Camogie Association, Ladies Gaelic Football Association and the Gaelic Players Association will jointly and severally own the data and outcomes resulting from this programme. Section 7. Deadline for Submission All applications must be received by 5pm on 17th November 2023 by emailing your completed proposal intercountyfunding@gaa.ie. Applications will not be accepted or considered after this date and time. Share this Article 0 0