



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

All the latest news from Ulster



Tyrone senior final between Aodh Rua v Carrickmore will take
place in Killeeshil on Sunday at 1-30pm. The Carmen side is
looking for their 7th senior championship and their fourth
in a row. The Carrickmore girls will have it in the back of
their mind that the last team to beat them in the championship
were Aodh Rua back in 2000.

The Dungannon outfit are strong up the middle with Caroline
Kelly, Katriona Murphy and Grace Parks the backbone. The town
side is well balanced but will meet a formidable challenge
in Carrickmore. The Carmen team has a wealth of experience,
with Lynette Hughes, Gemma Begley and Connie Fox all in top
form at the moment. They do have an injury doubt over sharpshooter
Eilish Gormley. A close tie is expected with the winner having
a realistic chance of provincial honours.

In Donegal, Sunday’s county final will be a repeat of last
years decider when St. Eunans take on Four Masters at Castlefin
(12noon). Eunan’s will be aiming for their 11th title in twelve
year’s. In last weeks semi final they beat Finn Valley by
23 points. Full forward Ann Doherty was in top form notching
2-4. St. Eunan’s have six current county players in their
ranks and a host of former county players and underage stars.
They will start as hot favourites, however Four Masters have
had the tougher route to the final and will feel that the
Letterkenny defence has not been tested yet. With Donna Dunnion
and the Lacey sisters in their side and a real ‘never say
die attitude’ an upset is a real possibility.

There are two preliminary round games on in the Ulster club
championships this weekend. In the junior championship former
Ulster senior champions Inniskeen (Monaghan) must make the
long journey to Donegal were they meet Kilcar. In the intermediate
competition Lacken (Cavan) and Newtwonbutler (Fermanagh) play
at Ballinagh.

The Armagh ladies senior team who were beaten last weekend
by Kildare in the All-Ireland junior semi final would like
to thank local referee, Barney Henry for his kind donation
to their training fund. Barney generously gave his refereeing
fees to the side. The gesture was very much appreciated by
both the girls and the County Board.

Paul Swift – Ulster PRO – pswift5@eircom.net or 07703594984


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