Antrim's Tir na nÓg welcome Laune Rangers from the Kingdom

Both clubs took part in the LGFA Gaelic4Teens coach education programme. As part of this initiative the participating clubs were invited to a festival of football at the GAA’s National Games Development Centre in Dublin on the 30th April last year.  This is where the two clubs met and the relationship was born.

Less than a year later Laune Rangers arrived in Randalstown with their U15 LGFA panel, coaches and parents.

To mark the occasion TNN hosted an U15 LGFA invitational tournament with 4 teams participating on the day, Tir na nÓg, Laune Rangers, Bredagh and Erin’s Own Lavey.

There was some real football talent on display from all the teams. There were great passages of play with wonderful passing and the players from all the teams taking some super scores.

On the day, Lavey met and beat Bredagh in a thrilling final winning out by just a few points. Of course we all know that the real winner of the day was LGFA football and the lasting friendships that Tir na nOg have now forged with Laune Rangers!

It was then back to the Clubrooms for the evening’s entertainment. Our Kerry visitors took to the floor to treat us to a fab display of Irish dancing. Next up was our very own Ardán theatre group with a sketch from their recent production of Cinderella. The ugly sister even found herself a Kerry man who will go back to Kerry with the nickname Jimmy Joe!!

Music, singing and the brush dance saw out what was a truly memorable day at TNN.


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