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Armagh get off to a flying start

National League Division 2B – Galway B v Armagh
Sunday 8 February (Stroid) Galway B 1-02 Armagh 4 – 16

Armagh Ladies under new management of Jacqui Clarke and
Haley Boyle maintained their 100% record for the season
with a convincing win against Galway B in the Suzuki national
league. The victory sends Armagh to the top of the league.
The team was lead by newly appointed captain Bronagh O’Donnell
from Crossmaglen Rangers.

Armagh got off to a great start with 2 unanswered points
from Kilcarrick’s Aileen Matthews who proved to be as reliable
as ever in front of the posts. Armagh then conceded a goal
before taking command of the game and they never looked
back. The back line was solid throughout and prevented many
Galway attacks with excellent blocking and tackling from
Captain Bronagh O’Donnell and Elaine Mallon (Kilcarrick)
in particular. Crossmaglen’s Alma O’Donnell was a dominant
force in midfield and led every attack while her midfield
partner Shauna O’Hagan (Clann Eireann) gave a fantastic
display of fielding, catching everything in the air.

The forward line was on fire and there was some excellent
support play from Mags McAlinden (Clann Eireann). Points
from Aoife Lennon (Derrynoose), Derbhla Toal (Grange), Maeve
Moriarty (Clann Eireann), Alma O’Donnell (Crossmaglen) and
Aileen Mathews helped Armagh to pull further away from Galway.
Some breathtaking interplay resulted with a goal on the
stoke of half time by Derrynoose star forward Aoife Lennon.
The goal was created by Alma O’Donnell who somehow managed
to hold on to the ball while falling onto the ground. Armagh
went into the break with a commanding half time lead of
1-02 to 1-10

Armagh began the second half just as they had finished the
first with the impressive Maeve Moriarty (Clann Eireann)
scoring a great point. Aoife Lennon then got her second
goal of the game with a fantastic strike from an attack
started by Nicola Smyth (Derrynoose) who had a great game
on the half back line. Further points were scored from Aoife
Lennon, Aileen Matthews and Maeve Moriarty before a well
taken goal from Derbhla Toal (Grange) saw Armagh’s lead
steadily increase. Two further points from Aoife Lennon
and Aileen Mathews were secured before Aoife had to leave
the field of play with a facial injury. Substitute Ciara
Hayes (Tullysaran) scored a great goal at the finish to
leave Armagh the victors with a scoreline of 1-06 to 4-16.

Armagh’s next league game is at home against last years
All-Ireland junior champions Donegal and on this performance
they will be very hard to beat.

Team: Fionualla McAtamney, Maura McArdle (Nicola
Sloan), Elaine Mallon, Ailish Murphy (Derbhla Murtagh),
Nicola Sloan, Bronagh O’Donnell (Capt), Julie Wilson, Alma
O’Donnell, Shauna O’Hagan, Maeve Moriarty, Derbhla Toal,
Mags McAlinden (Maria Donnelly), Aoife Lennon (Ciara Hayes),
Aileen Matthews, Geraldine Grimley (Orla McGleenan), Aileen
Matthews (0-06), Aoife Lennon (2-4), Derbhla Toal (1-2),
Maeve Moriarty (0-3), Ciara Hayes (1-0) Alma O’Donnell (0-1).

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