11 January 2010 Armagh Ladies News Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Armagh Ladies News Please note that the EAGM organised for this Tuesday 12 Jan at 7.30pm in Armagh Harps, has been arranged to Tuesday 19 January at 7.30pm in Armagh Harps Club, this is due to extreme weather conditions. Dowd Cup Matches All Cancelled this weekend due to weather Armagh Ladies Fundraising Quiz 21 Jan Canal Court Hotel 7.30pm, can all clubs please support this event and enter a team on the night. Armaghs got Talent Show, this event has been arranged for Friday March 5th in Carrickdale Hotel at 8pm, all ladies clubs please register your entry, either singing , dancing, instrumental etc please contact Lucy Groom 07816205393 email armaghsec@gmail.com with your entry as soon as possible. Newry and Mourne Sports Awards Cullyhanna ladies team has been nominated for team of the year for winning the Div 3 Cup and Armagh Intermedate Championship Winners 2009, please support them by voting via an email to ciara.lowe@newryandmourne.gov.uk stating the above reasons. Please support Berni Murray for an individual award, Berni plays for Cullyhanna ladies and also Armagh Camogs. Share this Article 0 0