British Clubs Can Become Part of the Gaelic4Girls Success Story in 2017

We are delighted to announce the opening of the 2017 LGFA Gaelic4Girls Programme for Britain!

2016 was the second year for the Gaelic4Girls Programme to be rolled out across Britain and we are delighted to report that the programme was a huge success second year running.  A total of 13 clubs registered for the programme resulting in over 300 girls participating across 5 Counties; Warwickshire, London, Glo-Herts, Lancashire and Scotland.

The Gaelic4Girls Programme is an attractive initiative for clubs as it aims to assist any struggling clubs or established clubs looking to expand their numbers at underage level or any potential areas where new clubs may evolve.  Further benefits of the programme are outlined in the attached document aswell as what is involved for you as a Club if you sign up to participate in 2017. 

Any Club can apply to be a part of the programme, all you need to do is complete the attached Application Form and return it by the 27th January 2017!

2017 Britain G4G Application

2017 G4G Information for Britain Clubs

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