



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

Book your place now at the 3rd iCoachKids International Conference in Limerick

Next weekend (14th & 15th June) in the University of Limerick, Sport Ireland Coaching will host the 3rd iCoachKids International Conference.

Under the overall theme of ‘Child Centred Coaching’, an international line-up of renowned youth sport experts including our own National Development Officer, William Harmon, will deliver keynote addresses, workshops and practical sessions over the two-day event.

William’s topic ‘Fostering a life-long vocation for Ladies Football…’Where I belong…’ will aim to demonstrate how Ladies Football promotes a positive coaching environment that develops and maintains the club, its coaches and players.

In LGFA, it is our belief that players who experience a positive coaching environment early in sport will adopt a ‘love’ for the game and enhance life-long participation.

The development of LGFA participation and retention initiatives, such as Gaelic4Girls (G4G) and Gaelic4Teens (G4T), and being creative in our approach to playing opportunities such as Go Games, help reinforce the key principles that underpin why we do what we do from a coaching perspective.

The G4G and G4T Programmes, and Go Games models, focus on coaching behaviours and methodologies i.e. how do we know we are doing a good job? How do we know we are doing the right activities? How do we know our players are improving? and will assist clubs with reflecting on current coaching practice with aim to initiate change like the case study presented during this presentation.

Clarity on values, ethos and policy will help clubs and coaches be the best they can be on playing field. This requires patience and time!!! Through the G4G and G4T programme and the Go Games model we aim to assist clubs and coaches with this long term process.

To book your place at the conference click on https://www.ickinternationalconference.com/

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