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Carrigaline win Junior C Championship

Carrigaline win Junior C Championship




It was Carrigaline’s Emma Green who illuminated an overcast Carrigadrohid
on Saturday in the junior C ladies football championship final.
In horrid conditions with rain and strong winds blowing towards
the dressing room end, this contest was always going to be low
scoring but in every other sense the game lived up to expectation.
Green tallied a total of five points and it was her side who hit
the ground running despite a number of initial wides.

Boherbue simply couldn’t find the magic on the day but it was
obvious to their large contingent of support that they weren’t
going to go down without a fight. The solidity of the Carrigaline
half back and half forward lines, was crucial throughout the championship
and it was again evident with Lisa Hanlon, Terry O’Keeffe and
Grace Fanning winning and distributing ball at ease.

Aine Dempsey opened the scoring with a pointed free and Carrig
had three on the board before the north Cork side registered their
first from a Gillian Daly free. Defenders Eileen and Tracy Linehan
did well on the ball but on a number of occasions their unit was
caught as Carrigaline began using the ‘over the top’ tactic. And
it nearly paid dividends on the quarter hour mark but Boherbue
keeper Marie Murphy got a finger to the ball denying it hitting
the net. Soon after the Carrig midfield began to dominate through
Catriona O’Mahony and Linda O’Connell and possession was going
in long and direct.

Upfront Emma Green added four with Jackie O’Keeffe and Grace Fanning
also contributing and the half time score read 0-8 0-1. It was
evident the game was slipping from Boherbue’s hands and whatever
was said in the dressing room seemed to awaken some previously
slumbering players. Now with the wind Boherbue’s half back line
of Catherine O’Connor, Flora Hallissey and Siobhán O’Connor tightened
down the hatches while Claire O’Connor and Gillian Daly closed
down the out coming Carrig fullback line. This led to the mid
Cork side fighting for possession and in most instances losing
out as Boherbue realised there were 15minutes remaining to mend
the damage already done. Their finishing let them down however
and it was obvious physical strength was lacking on the inside
forward line and despite the best efforts of Claire and Caroline
O’Connor it wasn’t going to be Boherbue’s day of glory. Carrigaline’s
Emma Green continued to pick off points, assisted by freetaker
Aine Dempsey and despite a late surge by Boherbue with scores
from Gillian Daly and Jackie O’Connor, you could never see them
threatening for goals.

Meanwhile Milford lifted the junior C plate cup when they overcame
Mitchelstown in comfortable fashion in slightly better conditions
on a score line of 4-12 2-5. * Match tickets for the All-Ireland
ladies football final will be available tonight to purchase in
Murray’s Bar, Macroom between 8 – 10pm. For more information contact
087-6635242. Train tickets are available from Kent Station or

Scorers for Carrigaline: E Green 0-5, A Dempsey 0-3 (0-2frees),
G Harrington, J O’Keeffe and G Fanning 0-1each.
Scorers for Boherbue: G Daly 0-2 (0-1free) and J O’Connor
CARRIGALINE: R Harrington, L Hanlon, G Morrissey,E McAuliffe,
L Hanlon, T O’Keeffe, E Power, C O’Mahony, L O’Connell, A Dempsey,
G Fanning, G Harrington, J O’Keeffe, E Green, B Maher.
BOHERBUE: M Murphy, T Linehan, S Murphy, A Fleming, C O’Connor,
F Hallissey, S O’Connor, E Linehan, J O’Connor, A Enright, M Murphy,
S Heelan, C O’Connor, G Daly and C O’Connor.
Referee: M O’Shuillibháin (Ballingeary)

Mary White (PRO, Cork Ladies Football)

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