



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

Cavan's Mullahoran victorious in thriller

win out in thriller


Print Ladies Cavan Intermediate Championship Final Mullahoran
3 -13 Erne Gales 3 -12

For the large crowd that gathered in Killygarry on Saturday afternoon
last nobody could have anticipated the thrilling action that was
about to unfold in the hour ahead. When the final whistle was
blown by referee Sean Smith at full time it was the Mullahoran
ladies that came out on top with a one point victory. In a game
that served up one of the great ladies football finals in recent
years both teams displayed all the ingredients necessary for an
epic encounter. Breda Smith opened the scoring in the very first
minute with a point for Mullahoran. Erne Gales replied quickly
and in the bluntest on fashion when Jenny McGuigan crept in by
the Mullahoran defense to score a goal after a mix up with the

Una Brady converted a free but it was older sister Catherine that
put Mullahoran ahead with two points and then in the 7th minute
a long powerful shot into the Erne Gales net. Bronagh Sheridan
and Jackie Moran kept the Gales in touch before Leanne Drumm scored
two more wonderful points to bring the sides level with twenty
minutes gone. Una Brady counter attacked for Mullahoran with two
well taken frees and then in the 26th minute Caren Fay found the
net for Erne Gales to put the Belturbet / Drumlane side ahead
for the first time in the game. Mullahoran’s answer came three
minutes later when the young Julie Ann Brady ran though the Gales
back line for a super goal and leave the score at half time Mullahoran
2-07 to Erne Gales 2-05. If the first half wasn’t pulsating enough
for the spectators and the relevant team officials then the second
half can be described as nothing short of heart stopping. Bronagh
Sheridan and Leanne Drumm exchanged points with Una Brady and
Louise Sheridan. Then in the 15th minute Cavan’s sub goalkeeper
and corner forward for Erne Gales Caren Fay struck the net for
the second time sending her team into the lead by one point.

Una Brady equalized two minutes later before Mary Fitzpatrick
put the Gales ahead again. Erne Gales were playing the more clinical
passing game now and should have gone ahead further but for a
goal to be disallowed for a square ball. Both teams stepped up
a gear as they sensed that victory could be theirs. Then, against
the run of play, Mullahoran got the ball up the field and after
a brilliant passing move Breda Smith buried the ball into the
net to put Mullahoran ahead. Una Brady added another point before
substitute Elaine Reilly and half forward Leanne Drumm closed
the difference again to leave the Gales trailing by one point
with five minutes to go. But it was Mullahoran who held their
nerve and two points, a free from Una Brady and another from Breda
Smith steadied the nerves and even though Erne Gales scores two
more points from Caren Fay they just couldn’t grab an equalizer
or late goal to steal the game.

For Mullahoran a great team effort matched only by the Erne Gales
team with all players bringing out the best on each other. Sisters
Una and Catherine Brady and Breda Smith played particularly well
punishing Erne Gales when the chance arose. They were well supported
by Julie Ann Brady and Louise and Mona Sheridan whose mother Monica
was a corner back for the Dreadnoughts.

For Erne Gales Bronagh Sheridan impressed along with Caren Fay,
Leanne Drumm and Jackie Moran.

Mullahoran: P Beglan, M Sheridan, JA Sheridan, N Reilly,
S Dalton, N Brennan, M Sheridan, E Reilly, L O’Reilly, Breda Smith
(1-02), JA Brady (1-00), A Brady, C Brady (1-02), U Brady (0-08),
L Sheridan (0-01)
Subs: Brid Dolan
Erne Gales: A Magee, O Bradley, A Fitzpatrick, C Kearns,
B Boyle, M Smith, T O’Dowd, M Fitzpatrick, L Corrigan, P Fitzpatrick,
J Moran, L Drumm, J McGuigan, B Sheridan, C Fay
Subs: Elaine Reilly, Laura Browne
Ref: Sean Smith (Lavey)

Presentation: County Chairperson Concepta Traynor congratulated
both teams on an excellent game and presented the cup to the Captains
Breda Smith and Monica Sheridan. She wished Mullahoran well in
the Ulster championship and commiserated with Erne Gales who played
brilliantly throughout. She also thanked the sponsors of the intermediate
championship McGinn Print. She paid tribute to the referee Sean
Smith who had and excellent game in the middle allowing the play
to flow for the hour. She also thanked the officials who helped
out and Killygarry GFC for the use of their facilities.

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