25 February 2016 Climb4Clare Update - What's Happening? Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! We are in our second year of involvement with our Climb4Clare fundraising campaign and once again we want to thank you for your support and encourage you to continue fundraising for this excellent cause in the months ahead. This weekend we had our second phase of CLIMB Facilitator training and the programme will now also be available through: Cancer Care West St James Hospital Social Work Unit Hope Cancer Support Centre Wexford Galway Hospice Foundation Dóchas Tullamore with further personnel being trained for Cuisle, Portlaoise and ARC Cancer Care Centres in Dublin. This will add to the trained centres from last year: Cork Arc Cancer Support Cuan Cootehill & Cavan Centre Social Support Group Cancer Focus Northern Ireland (Cookstown) Arc Dublin South Arc Dublin North Tuam Cancer Care Hand in Hand Children’s Cancer Charity Galway Éist Carlow Cancer Support Centre Portlaoise Cuisle Cancer Care The demand for training has been extremely high and we will be hoping to organise further dates in the next few months to continue the spread of CLIMB throughout Ireland. We will be adding to this in the coming weeks as many centres have also asked about the possibility of training up volunteers for their centres to assist the trained facilitators and this CLIMB Assistant training will take place on 7th March in Dublin. The ‘CLIMB4CLARE’ Campaign could not be a success without the support of our members, clubs, county boards and provincial councils and we appreciate your continued support and assistance with fundraising for this hugely beneficial campaign. Please feel free to follow the Climb4Clare Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updates and we will be once again linking with Hell&Back for a big fundraiser on 10th September and would encourage as many clubs and counties as possible to get involved in what is a brilliant fun filled day and great for team building. Please forward this to your all clubs and members to share the impact their generosity is generating across the country. Share this Article 0 0