27 April 2016 Clubs Encouraged to enter search for 'Best Sports Club in Ireland' Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! The Irish Times have launched their search for the Best Sports Club in Ireland. Obviously the best clubs in the country are Ladies Football Clubs so it would be great to see one an LGFA club win this award. The details are below, let’s get nominating!!! The Irish Times wants you to nominate the Best Sports Club in Ireland The Irish Times is on the hunt for the Best Sports Club in Ireland: clubs with great spirit, great communities and great achievements. In association with the National Dairy Council, and launched by Rob and Dave Kearney, The Irish Times want to know about the clubs that are at the heart of communities across Ireland, and award the winner with a prize of €5,000, with a further €1,000 for another deserving entrant. The club can be large or small, urban or rural, cup winner or community club, from any sporting background. If you know a club worthy of this title, please nominate it at irishtimes.com/bestsportsclub and don’t forget to join the conversation online with #BestSportsClub. Pick up a copy of The Irish Times on Thursday, 28th April and you’ll find our Best Sports Club mini poster (as attached), helping your club in securing those all important nominations. Conor Goodman, Irish Times Features Editor and chair of the judging panel, says: “This is a genuine celebration of participation rather than of sporting prowess, an effort to recognise the great local organisations around Ireland, minority-interest groups, tight teams, bands of driven individuals, volunteers, fans, drivers, substitutes, supporters, sandwich makers, goal scorers, committee members, fundraisers, visionaries, chairpersons, coaches, kit launderers, parents and local heroes.” The winner (announced in June) will be decided by a panel of judges chosen by The Irish Times. Judges will make their decision based on criteria including community involvement, club spirit and, of course, sporting achievement. Nominations close at midnight on Sunday, 15th May 2016 – so get voting! Share this Article 0 0