



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

Cork open defence of title in impressive fashion

Munster Under 14 Championship.
Cork open defence of title in impressive fashion Cork 8-10
Kerry 4-04.

Unbeaten at this level since 1999 and embarking on the road
to their 4th National under 14 title in a row, Cork opened
the defence of their title in style at O’Sullivan Park Killorglin
on Saturday last. Kerry came into this game with the benefit
of 3 previous outings and despite the fact that they had
suffered one surprising loss to Waterford, they had worked
very hard this year hoping to end the dominance of Cork.
Kerry were the last side to defeat Cork before going on
to claim their last All-Ireland title at this level.

Kerry playing with the wind opened in confident style and
scored 2 quick points. These were quickly cancelled out
by a brilliant goal from Amanda Murphy who has figured prominently
in all Cork’s 3 All-Ireland wins. This was followed by another
from Rhona Buckley and Cork appeared to be on their way
after Amanda had shot 2 further points. Then after another
piledriver from her had cannoned off the crossbar, Kerry
broke up field and sent in a high ball from Debra Murphy
and the ball hopped in the square and deceived the keeper
and ended up in the net, then almost immediately Amy Foley
latched on to another cross and flashed the ball to the
net and suddenly Kerry were back in contention.

These scores stung Cork into retaliation and they hit back
with goals from Rhona Buckley, Laura Harrington and Amanda
Murphy. Kerry struck for another goal from their outstanding
centre forward Debra Murphy to leave the half time score
5-05 to 3-04 in favour of the rebels.

Early scare.

Cork got an early scare a the beginning of the 2nd half
when Debra Murphy soloed right through the heart of the
Cork defence to score a great goal, but Cork were back again
to find the net through Noelle Corkery, Rhona Buckley struck
for 2 more to bring her tally to 4 and Cork never looked
in danger after that. and they ran out convincing winners.
This was a game that had great passages of football from
both sides and was played at a frantic pace. It was a game
dominated for the most part by the attacks and this was
reflected on the scoreboard. The Cork defence looked very
vulnerable in the opening half when they found it difficult
to cope with the long ball in from Kerry. They settled down
better in the 2nd half and apart from the opening goal of
the 2nd half they held Kerry for the remainder of the game,
with Vicky Power, Orla O’Sullivan, who recovered from a
nervous start and Roisin O’Sullivan who being particularly
impressive, Roisin found the time and space to come forward
and score an excellent point.

On the other hand Laura Harrington gave a great display
at midfield for the rebels. Amanda Murphy was at the hub
of everything in the Cork attack and was virtually unmarkable,
she got great support from her colleagues with Rhona Buckley
doing great damage, Jenny Luddy while she did not get on
the scoreboard did a lot of grafting as did Tracy Mullane.
Aine O’Sullivan played a captains part and showed some fine
touches around goal, as well as contributing 2 points Cork
having their first game in the championship looked green
at certain stages and will have benefited greatly from this
encounter. This week-end they travel to Mullingar for the
All-Ireland blitz and the experience of 4 or 5 games will
bring them on more Even at this stage it will take an exceptional
team to beat them, but sport can be a funny old game and
nothing should be taken for granted.

Cork Team: Antoinette O’Connor, St Vals, Claire 0’Leary,
Kilmeen Vicky Power, Beara; Ellen Healy St Vals; Patricia
Murphy, Mourneabbey;Orla O’Sullivan, Dunmanus Rovers; Roisin
O’Sullivan, Mourneabbey; Laura Harrington Mourneabbey; Linda
Barrett Donoughmore; Tracy Mullane Liscarroll; Amanda Murphy,
Beara; Jenny Luddy, Mourneabbey; Aine O’Sullivan, Beara
capt, Rhona Buckley, Naomh Fionbarra, Noelle Corkery, Naomh
Aban; Teresa Crowley, Naomh Fionbarra, Emer 0’Donovan Aghada;
Ciara O’Sullivan, Mourenabby, Emma Hanley, Beara; Orla Crowley,Castlehaven;
Denise Murphy, Rockban; Ella Ryan, Lisgoold; Orla Deasy,
Valley Rovers; Ann 0’Donovan, Valley Rovers; Ciara Murphy,Beara;
Grace Kearney, Bride Rovers; Emma Murphy, Beara.

Kerry: Amy Murphy, Rathmore, Denise Hallissey, Kenmare;
Grainne Kerins Scartaglin, Catriona O’Connor Abbeydorney,
Sharon Houlihan Glenbeigh. Tracy O’Sullivan Southern Gaels
Sinead O’Sullivan Southern Gaels capt Amanda Brosnan Dr
Crokes. Maire Twomey Desmonds. Caoimhe Young, Southern Gaels.
Debra Murphy, Legion Ciara Moore Rathmore, Amy Foley Beaufort,
Elaine Ryalle Abbydorney, Tracy Sheahan Glenbeigh.

Waterford won the other Semi-Final on a scoreline of
1-15 to 2-06

Co result Under 12 B Co Quarter-Final Donoughmore 7-08
Kildorrery 3-10

Sponsorship of Co Teams.

There has been a huge reaction to the invitation to have
a chance to sponsor Cork teams for 2003, for as little as
€100. A very colourful brochure has been launched to promote
the idea. It is a simple invitation to 200 companies or
business people to contribute €100 each to support Cork
Ladies Football. All the names will be put into a draw and
the first name out will have their logo on the jerseys of
all Cork teams. Senior, Junior, Minor, Under 16 and Under
14. Those not lucky enough to secure the Sponsorship of
the Co teams will have the opportunity of Sponsoring the
Senior, Junior, Minor under 16 under 14 and Under 12 Co
Championships. Please hurry because the 200 are filling
up fast. Remember Cork won 3 All-Ireland titles out of the
6 available last year.

For more details Contact Fr. Liam Kelleher Grenagh. Co Cork
Tel 087-8516984 and he will gladly send you the brochure,
with all the details.

Fr Liam Kelleher PRO 087-8516984

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