



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

Cork reach Aisling McGing final for 3rd year in a row

Cork reach Aisling McGing final for 3rd year in a row. By Fr Liam Kelleher

Cork B 3-15 Galway B 3-6.

In their own inimitable way, the Cork Senior B team are building up a reputation of their own by reaching their 3rd Aisling McGing final in a row. Since this competition, was inaugurated 3 years ago, to honour the memory of the young Mayo footballer who tragically lost her life, in a car accident, Cork have made this prestigious competition their own. They have remained unbeaten and captured the trophy on both occasions,. Judging by the 2nd half display in Fermoy on Sunday last, when they had much the better of a strong Galway team, they will make a bold bid for 3 in a row, when the final is played on Saturday week. This year the competition has been much stronger, with the dominance of Cork and Dublin being shaken for the first time, the fact that both counties meet in the final again, is a tribute to both and no doubt they will have a terrific battle, to decide the outcome, having drawn their encounter earlier in the year. Talking about parity Cork and Galway, were on level terms on Sunday at the short whistle, after a very competitive half. Cork had appeared to be getting the upper hand after goals by Eimear Harrington and Katie Sheehan, but Galway came right back into it with a goal on the stroke of half time, from Mairead Kyne, who proved to be a thorn in the side of the Cork defense all afternoon, scoring 3 goals.

Second half dominance.

Apart from the opening sequences, when Galway were denied a goal by a fantastic save, from Martina O’Brien and were then denied by the umpires, when after it was saved, the ball was booted to the net, to be ruled out by the men, in white coats. Galway did get back to a point 5 minutes later with Kynes 3rd goal, but that was as good as it got for them. Cork got on top at midfield, through the great work rate of Eimear O’Connell and Aoife Coughaln, who is developing into a fine player. Jenny Luddy’s pace caused Glaway’s defense huge problems and as well as notching up a number of fine points, she supplied the inside trio of Katie Sheehan , Eimear Harrington and Grace Kearney quality ball. Miss Sheehan, with Cork’s 3rd goal after 15 minutes gave them the platform, to drive on from there to the finish. Such was the fluency of the Cork machine, during those closing 15 minutes, that it must be huge boost, to Peter O’Leary and his team, as they prepare for the showdown with the Dubs, and competition for final starting places will be fierce.

Cork Martina O’Brien Clonakilty, Muireann Stack Liscarroll, Cathy Ann Stack Liscarroll, Vera Foley St Vals. Sinead O’Leary Gabriel Rangers, Kathyrn Coakley Mourneabbey, Verona Ni Drisceoil, Gabriel Rangers. Aoife Coughlan Gabriel Rangers, Eimear O’Connell Naomh Aban, Eleanor Ahern Bride Rovers. Jenny Luddy Mallow, 0-6 Claire O’Mahony St Vals 0-3 Grace Kearney Bride Rovers 0-2 Katie Sheehan Glanworth 2-3 Eimear Harrington Mourneabbey 1-1K Subs used Particia Murphy Mourneabbey, Ann O’Donovan Valley Rovers, Mairead Twohig Naomh Aban, Ella Ryan Inch Rovers, Catherine Cooke Nemo Rangers.

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