Cork Summer camps in Full Swing

Cork Summer camps in Full Swing

By Fr Liam Kelleher.


The huge upsurge in Cork Ladies football in the last 10
years can be

attributed in great measure to the School of excellence
and the Summer

camps. The brainchild behind the ideas and involved ever
since Chalie

mcLaughlin, is as enthusiastic as ever. Cork have captured
9 All-Ireland

underagte titles since the new Millenium has begun 4 under
14, 3 under 16

and 2 Minor. The inevitable first Senior success arrived
last October when

Cork captured the Senior title for the first time, with
the majority of the

players coming through the very succeesful underage set
up. There seems to

be no end to supply line with Cork having cpatured the under
14 Munster

ttile for the 7th year in a row, the under 16 for the 6th
in a row and the

Minor for the 5th time in a row. There has been a slight
hiccup in

All-Ireland ttiles in the past 2 years with the under 16
win of last year

the only National success last year. Things eems to be firmly
back on track

this year wityh the under 14’s scoring an emphatic win over
Donegal on a

scoreline of 5-10 to 1-0 tgo make amends for therir one
point loss tothe Co

last year The minolrs are in another final after their dramatic
extra time

win over Dublin at Semple Stadium in Thurles on Sun ay last
on a scoreline

of 5-14 to 3-15. So it is vitally important to keep the

structures in place. This is the 3rd week of the current
Summer camps, with

hundreds of young hopefuls ready and willing to learn and
hopefully follow

in the footsteps of their illustrious predecessors. This
week the camps at

Galntane and Mitchelstown, This coming week 17th-21st Banteer
will be the

venue from 10am to 1pm followed by Liscaroll 2pm-5pm.

On Monday 24th-28th Grenagh 10am to 1pm. Carrigtwohill
2pm-5pm. Monday 3lst July to August 4th Dunmanway 10am -1pm.
Kilmeen 2pm-5pm Tuesday 8ith of August -11th August Passage
9.30am -1pm Valley Rovers 2pm-5pm Monday 14th August-18th
Nemo 10am -1pm Erins OLwn 2pm-5pm. Monday 21st -25th August
Glanworth 10am -1pm.

Eire oG 2.30pm-5.30. The camps are open to Boys and girls
aged 6-14. Every child wilol recieve a top of the range
playing kit including Jersey, Shorts and socks. Entires
accepted a the start of each camp for more info contact
Charlie McLaughlin 087-2807966 0R Geraldine O’Flynn 087-7932529.
If you want to improve your skills and be coached, by members
of the Cork Senior Team who are part of Charlies Summer
Camp staff, this is the camp to be at.

The youngest participant at castlemagner 4 year old Shauna
Leniahn is all smiles for teh camera

Castlemagenr Summer camp
Belgooly Summer camp.




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