



2024 TG4 All-Ireland Finals tickets

Details of forthcoming Webinar-based Officer Training Modules

The GAA/LGFA/Camogie Associations will be running a series of Webinar-based Officer Training modules over the coming weeks.

The first of these will be streamed live next Tuesday April 7th and Thursday April 9th.

The schedule is listed below:

Tuesday, April 7th, 6pm:                 Doing Things Right: Good Governance in your Club

Thursday, April 9th, 6pm:               Finance and Governance for Club Treasurers

  • Pre-Registration is essential for both courses. Users must create an account on the GAA’s Learning Portal if they haven’t already done so – https://learning.gaa.ie/
  • Once an account is created, users can register for a webinar via the following link – https://learning.gaa.ie/lms/course/index.php?categoryid=260
  • The user must then click “Enrol” and will then be able to access the webinar via the same link on the date and time in question
  • Webinars will be streamed live, but a recording will be available for a limited period afterward
  • Webinars will be run via the Microsoft Teams App (full guide attached), it is advisable, but not essential, to have this App downloaded in advance
  • Headphones should be used, and microphones/video features should be muted/disabled in advance of the Webinar beginning to ensure privacy
  • Questions may be asked during the webinar using the “Chat” function, but no other feature should be used on Microsoft Teams


We hope that the webinars will be well attended and of benefit to Club Officers during this uncertain time.


Can Microsoft Teams help you for other activities?


  • Yes, all users with an official LGFA email address @lgfa.ie have access to use Teams as part of their licence
  • You can conduct club, county or provincial meetings through the app
  • Teams can be accessed on laptop, webpage or phone/tablet app
  • Full details are included in the attached document


We hope you, your families and all your members are keeping safe at this time.

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