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Details of the Cavan Ladies County Convention

of the Cavan Ladies County Convention



Cavan Ladies held their county convention recently in
front of a very large crowd in the Meadow View Inn in
Cavan town. The meeting saw the election of a new chairperson
of popular Castlerahan man Aiden Reilly for the year ahead.
The Ballyjamesduff businessman takes over from a very
successful term of office from Concepta Traynor. Aiden
has been treasurer for the past two years and is an active
member of the county board. The meeting was opened with
a minutes silence for all members that had passed away
in the past 12 months. The chairwoman stated that giving
the past year with the loss of Michelle Keating (R.I.P.)
former county player and Lurgan club player, it was important
to especially remember Michelle for her great commitment
given to ladies football. She was a shinning example of
all that is good about the game and would be remembered
by all who knew her on and off the field.

Secretary’s Report.
Mrs. Lily O’Reilly produced a very detailed report and
was compilemented by all for her effiency during the year.
She said that the senior team had reached the quarter
final against Laois in the national league after wins
over Cork B, Limerick and Clare. In the championship Mrs.
O’Reilly told of a disappointing start with a narrow loss
to Fermanagh in the opening round. But the girls picked
themselves up in the next round and produced a clinical
performance against Monaghan B. This set up a semi final
place against last years Ulster winners Armagh. Unfortunately
the northern team proved too much for the Breffni side
and went on to win the All Ireland Junior championship
final. The secretary thanked Manager Raphael Rodgers and
his selectors Tom Dowd, Finnian Farrell for all their
hard work during the year. In the minor championship Cavan
recorded wins over Monaghan and Down to set up a semi
final place against Tyrone. Cavan put in a good performance
but with no luck on the day it was Tyrone that went onto
the final. She thanked Finnian Farrell and his selectors.
In the U-16 championship Cavan recorded wins over Monaghan
and Fermanagh but lost to Tyrone. This set up a playoff
with Monaghan with the Farney side making amends for their
first round defeat and go on to take the Ulster title.
She thanked Eamon Lynch and Emma Traynor for all their
work. In the U-14 championship Mrs. O’Reilly reported
wins over Derry and Tyrone in the opening rounds to set
up a semi final place against Donegal. The youngsters
put up a terrific challenge but were unlucky to come away
without a victory. The secretary congratulated Manager
Patsy Fitzpatrick and his team of Carmel Rudden, Madge
Fitzpatrick, Ray Foley and Francis Clarke.

Other notable achievements of congratulations reported
were the U-16 team who won the Trudy Kearns Cup, The U-14
teams who won the Ulster Blitz competitions, Knockbride
U-14’s who won the county Feile, and the Knockbride 7-A-Side
team who reached the quarter finals. The club championship
scene threw up new winners at all grades this year. Mrs.
O’Reilly reported the new senior champions were Erne Valley
after a replay with Lurgan.

In the Intermediate championship it was Mullahoran that
emerged victorious after a thrilling final against Erne
Gales. In the Junior championship Templeport had a tremendous
win over Killinkere in the final to claim their first
ever championship crown. The secretary reported 26 clubs
participating in 22 competitions during the year. She
thanked the clubs for their co operation and support during
the year. She congratulated the fixtures committee members
for their hard work. She thanked the executive members
for all their voluntary commitment and enormous time and
effort put into the association. Finally she thanked her
chairperson and fellow officers for all their assistance
and looked forward to a successful 2006.

Fixtures Report.

Chairman Eamon Lynch thanked all the fixtures committee
for their help during the year. They were Patricia King,
Aidan Reilly, Sinead Cusack, Eileen Browne, Bernard Sheridan,
Gertie Conaty, but especially to the enormous contribution
of Declan McCabe. Overall there were 444 ladies matches
played during 2005 between all the grades. Silverware
went to 14 different clubs highlighting the willingness
for clubs to win a competition. He thanked everyone who
helped and officiated and all the games during the year.
Mr. Lynch thanked the clubs and county board for the use
of their facilities of pitches and dressing rooms especially
neutral grounds and in particular Kingspan Breffni Park.
He thanked all the referees for their assistance in 2005.
He said that the referees cannot be congratulated enough
for their enormous contribution to ladies football.

Treasurers Report.
The treasurer Aidan Reilly reported a positive balance
for 2005. However he noted that the churchgate collection
was falling over the last two years and that a big effort
should be made by all the clubs for this fundraising event.
He noted also that the sponsorship had also fallen considerably
this year and that next year would rely on a bigger contribution
from everyone. However, Mr. Reilly said that gate receipts
were well up on 2004. This was put down to the enormous
amount of help of collecting of monies at semi finals
and finals at all grades. He stated that the finances
of the association had fallen back in 2005 but that they
were still healthy. He said that an enormous amount of
money was required to keep the association viable and
this can only be done with the help of the various helpers
during the year which he thanked.

Pro Report
PRO Raymond Brady reported that 2005 was another outstanding
success for Cavan Ladies. With 26 clubs and 22 competitions
they growth of the sport was credible to all the participants
and their followers. He said that there were 14 names
added to the winner’s podium this year and that there
was no better advertisement for the game than to see a
trophy coming to your club. He added that for the county
board welcomed the fact that there was a wide spread of
titles to the various regions of the county. He added
that at underage level Cavan was one of the top four teams
at present. The PRO highly commended Cuman Na mBunscoil
as the national school teachers within the county deliver
an enjoyable competition for their pupils. Mr. Brady did
note that the serious drop out rate at secondary must
be addresses amongst the teenagers within Cavan. This
was not good for the association. He also stated that
parent participation and the recruitment of new members
must be encouraged at all times for the continued success
of the game within the county. He thanked Ian McCabe and
Colm Mulligan for their photographic images that appear
in the papers each week. Finally he thanked Northern sound
and the Anglo Celt and The Game newspaper for their contribution
to promoting ladies football within the county. These
three elements of the media have been of enormous help
to the county board in 2005. They provided large amounts
of air-time and column space towards the ladies game and
delivered a much appreciated service for all concerned.

Chairwoman’s report

The chairperson Concepta Traynor opened her address with
a congratulatory note to all the winners of 2006. She
spoke of the delight to see new clubs winning titles and
hoped that this would act as encouragement to win more
in the future of their club. She praised the fixtures
committee for their brilliant work and delivering on their
promise to have all competitions finished by October.
Mrs. Traynor said that this was no easy task and the reward
for their work was an justified rest for the players as
they entered into winter. She complimented Eamon Lynch
and Declan McCabe for their enormous effort. She stated
that in 2006 Cavan were unlucky not to win an Ulster championship
but were consistent at all grades in reaching the semi
finals. This was very positive for the county and showed
that the work done by clubs at the grassroots level was
beginning to reap dividends. . However the chairperson
did issue a note of caution. She warned that more involvement
was required for the running of the county board and that
some restructuring may be needed. She spoke of the workload
been carried by only a few rather than many. The restructuring
was required because of the large number of girls playing
at underage and senior levels within the county. Mrs.
Traynor again spoke of the huge growth of clubs in Cavan
over the last few years. With Cavan now having 26 clubs
on their register and 22 competitions running, all the
delegates must be highly commended for their work and
efforts with their own clubs. She said Cavan had turned
a corner at club level with such a large interest from
all areas of the county.

As stated earlier Mrs. Traynor also wished the very best
to Lurgan Ladies who suffered the loss of one of their
most influencial players Michelle Keating. She also expressed
her deepest sympathy to the Keating Family from Virginia.
She noted that while Michelle had left us forever she
would never be forgotten.

Finally she thanked her Secretary Lily Reilly, and treasurer
Aidan Reilly for their endless amount of work during the
year. She also thanked the county executive for their
assistance and announced that she would be vacating her

Cavan Ladies County Board officers 2006

President Tom Dowd
Chairman Aiden Reilly
Secretary Lily Reilly
Assist Sec. Bernard Sheridan
Treasurer Patricia King
Registrar Abby Brady
PRO Raymond Brady
Ulster Council delegates: John Joe Brady, Abby Brady,
Gerry Sheridan
Central Council Delegates: John Joe Brady, Abby Brady


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