Dublin Ladies Board Notes

Dublin Ladies Board Notes




The next County Board Meeting will take place on Tuesday September 18th at 7.30 pm in Aras Atha Cliath Parnell Park. All clubs should ensure that their delegates are in attendance.

Pride of place this week goes to our Senior B team who on Saturday last defeated a gallant Kildare in side in the All Ireland Semi Final in a game played in Mountmellick Co.Laois on Saturday last.Well done to all involved in this terrific achievement and we wish them all the best as they prepare for the All Ireland final against Cork on Sunday September 30th.Further details to announced.

Adult and Juvenile fixtures have recommenced and have been sent to all clubs. Can all clubs please note that ALL RESULTS MUST be sent to the dedicated results line  @ 086-2503844.There are still a large amount of outstanding results so we appeal to clubs to send in all results even if game is postponed to enable us to complete results sheets and league tables accurately.

A number of Inter county managerial posts have come available. Details have been posted on Hill16.ie and other websites. For any further information contact development officer Fionualla Sexton  086-3949496


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