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Fermanagh County Charity Match......Breast By Far!

Fermanagh County Charity Match……Breast By Far!


Fermanagh County Charity Match – Breast Cancer

Breast By Far!

A great evening’s entertainment was had by all who supported the
charity match in aid of Breast Cancer on Saturday 10th November
held under floodlights in Kinawley. Special guests on the night
were 2007 Railway Cup winner and Monaghan senior player Dick Clerkin
along with Aughawillan and Leitrim All-Ireland Intermediate winner
Maeve Quinn, both players togged out in the green and white too
represent the Fermanagh All-Star team to ensure a star studded
lineout. Also present at the match was Mary Quinn president of
Connacht. Both teams took too the field in a lively spirit, sporting
the color pink for Breast Cancer some ladies and men were confused
on weather too were their bra’s under their jersey or over their
jersey. The game got off too a sparkling start with a lot of players
trying too impress their superiority on the game. The impressive
Dick Clerkin looked sharp when attacking on numerous occasions,
weaving his way through the Lisnaskea defence to register some
fine scores. He was dangerous on the night and no doubt will cause
Fermanagh men a lot of trouble come championship time next summer.
The game flowed from end too end, some players competitive as
ever to win.

Belcoo Ladies
Match Officials

It was a delight to watch some off the top players in the county
combine and put on an exciting display off football. Leitrim’s
Maeve Quinn show pieced her talent in Kinawley, her vision and
cutting edge was easy too see. She is an inspiration too both
men and women with a playing career of twenty-five years she has
in her cabinet amongst other medals, an All-Ireland Medal from
1988 and added another one nineteen years later in 2007 when she
lined out at mid-field and had the game of her life too bring
home the All-Ireland Intermediate Mary Quinn Cup named in memory
of her mother Mary, very few can boost such a long playing career.
Many players was very eye-catching on the night none least for
their pink wings, bra’s and tights but also for their skills,
mixed through the Fermanagh ladies team were a number of men,
Daren Owens Kinawley and Declan Leonard Belcoo along with David
Mee and Dick Clerkin Monaghan. Lisnaskea also had enlisted the
help of a number of men to assist, Paul and Kevin Curran, Barry
McGoldrick and also the Skea management Aaron Maguire and Kevin
‘Gorilla’ O’Rourke.

Devenish Ladies
Fermanagh All-Stars
The most striking Lisnaskea player was probably
that of Frank McManus who worked very hard and with a great
acrobatic dive won a penalty for his team which he dully dispatched,
with soccer style celebrations afterward. The second half
of the game was very action packed and provided a lot of entertainment
too the large crowd of supporters who turned out too was this
unique event. The officials on the night were introduced wearing
their new referees uniform which might catch on, at times
there was confusion between the referees as at one point there
were two officials trying too call the shots and this lead
too a slight disagreement! In all a total of fifty-six players
took to the field to entertain and raise awareness and fund
in aid of Breast Cancer. A small awards ceremony took place
straight after the match; Terri Cassidy claimed the award
of worst missed scoring chance and dually deserved her pair
of glasses. 

The winner of the pinkest male and female went to Kinawley’s
Daren Owens and Belcoo’s Sabrina McGovern. The dirtiest /
hairiest award went to the gorilla on the field Lisnaskea’s
Kevin O’Rourke. The nights events continued in Roache’s were
food and music was laid on for everyone, a raffle too place
which all the players and supporters enjoyed and a special
thank you too everyone who contributed to make this night
a huge success.

Lisnaskea Team: Barry McGoldrick, Kevin Curran, Paul Curran,
Louise Slevin, Shereen Slevin, Sharon Little, Samantha Little,
Rebecca Curran, Roisin Beggan, Katie Mohan, Erin Durnion,
Orlaigh Hannigan, Caroline Little, Donna Gilroy, Aaron Maguire,
Tara Hughes, Claire Woods, Donna O’Rourke, Aine Martin, Emer
Martin, Michelle McCreesh, Frank McManus, Kevin O’Rourke

Fermanagh All-Star Selection: Bernie, Green,
Frances Maguire, Dympna Moane, Carol McDonagh Terri Cassidy
Mairead Boyle, Edel McGovern, Lynn McFredrick, Donna Maguire,
Bernie Maguire, Sabrina McGovern, Marcella Connelly, Tricia
Melanophy, Maeve Quinn, Dick Clerkin, Janette McManus, Aine
Flannagan, Daren Owens, Tessa Cadden, Orla Reihill, Sarah
McCausland, Glenda McDonald, Aine McBrien, Majella Walsh,
Donna Timoney, Aishling McGullion, Deirdre Collins, Declan
Leonard, David Mee.

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