17 April 2020 Final GDPR Webinar: Register your attendance! Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Over the past number of weeks we have ran the LGFA’s Essential Guide to GDPR Workshop via webinar, which have been hugely successful and received extremely positive feedback from all clubs who have participated. Comments from clubs included ‘great interactive delivery,’ ‘I am delighted with the webinar format as I would normally be unable to attend workshops due to the distance I would have to travel,’ to ‘Such a relief to hear GDPR being explained in layman’s term and dealt with in such a practical manner.’ The workshop, which is normally 2 ½ hours in duration will now be delivered in one 90 minute webinar and will be delivered by our GDPR Consultant, Darragh Cunningham from GDPR for Sport. The down time on activities, provides an excellent opportunity for all clubs to gain this essential training and ensure your club is compliant with the legislation. The last of these webinars will take place on Monday 20th April at 7:15 p.m. If you wish to attend this FINAL GDPR Webinar please register your attendance by clicking the link below; https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=hrxFrNSvpUKfwz6H4bd_zqXkEPE5EHlOranzArQ4dmRUQkE3TkJFREJYS09NVjBOMzcwTUgyVDlYUC4u PLEASE NOTE: You will receive a more detailed email with how to log onto the webinar, which requires you setting up as a user on the GAA E-Learning Portal – please read the User Guide in full as it also contains the Enrolment Key which you will need on the evening of the webinar. Share this Article 0 0