Final Online Registration Training Tonight

Our Online Registration System is up and running and all log ins have been forwarded to provincial and county registrars by County Registrars will then forward to all club registrars.

It is important that all registrars log on for training if you have not already so. The final night for training is tonight Thursday 20th at 7pm.



What will the training involve?


This will be online training so you can log into watch or just listen to this training. The trainer from Servasport will be taking the session and if you are logged in for the web conference you will be able to see the trainer navigate his way through the system and demonstrate all functionality you will require. You just watch this and listen.


IMPORTANT: Please note the following for your training;


  • It is essential that you are in a quiet room with no background noise as this picked up on all other phones that are logged in so please respect all callers
  • If you have loud speaker on your phone please press mute until you want to ask questions at the end, again to avoid any interference
  • Please click on the links below to ensure your system is compatible for this training before the training begins


Training will start at 7pm sharp so if you log in after this please begin to listen and watch as it will not be started again as we have large numbers logged in.


How do I log into the Training?


To just listen to the trainer you can use the Audio conference facility.


  1. Dial is using the numbers in the link below
  2. You will be asked for a passcode. Use code below 7718 5144#
  3. You can now listen to the training


Join the Audio ConferenceTo join the audio conference, CLICK   HERE

Dial-In: 01 525 1896 Ireland – Dublin Local
1800 943 091 Ireland Freephone
Passcode: 7718 5144#

For a current list of available local and international   freephone telephone numbers, CLICK   HERE



To watch the training also and follow the system on your screen you can join the web conference. This is very beneficial to see what the system will look like also. Full details are on the link below. Just click on ‘Click here’.


Join the Web Conference
To join the web conference, CLICK     HERE
TEST SYSTEM: To verify you can enter     the web conference prior to your meeting, CLICK     HERE
REMINDER: Once the meeting has     ended, please exit your web conference. For more information, CLICK     HERE



With both links together you will be able to watch the screen and listen on your phone but please remember to be in a quiet room and keep phone on mute until end if any noise or interference.


There will be an opportunity at the end to ask any questions. A section will also be on our website regarding the new system and this will also contain a user guide. There are also forums available on Servasport for all sections.


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