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Fr Murphy's Ladies Three in a row

Fr Murphy’s Ladies Three in a row.

Fr Murphy’s ladies claimed a three in a row of London senior championship after a titanic struggle with John Mitchells of Liverpool, winning by the slenderist of margins 1-07 TO 1-06.


Mitchel’s won the toss and elected to play with the aid of a stiff breeze, they claimed the first two points, the Nareele Saward had a goal harshly dissallowed for Fr Murphy’s but the team were putting it together and a few minutes later they were awarded a penalty, which Jackie Shiels despatched to the net, The Liverpool girls faught back and Elaine Murphy scored a great goal to regain the lead for them, but Murphy’s tapped over the points to lead 1-04 to 1-02 at half time.

It was a very tight second half with both defences definately on top, Sinead Daly had a stormer at Full Back for Fr Murphy’s and was the palyer of the match.

Both sides brought on centrefielders at the start of the second half Fr. Murphy’s Emma Taylor and John Mitchel’s Kate Hearn, both sides had several chances but again the defenders covered excellently.

Shauna Mc Mc Menimen scored a great point to put the Murphy’s three ahead but he Mitchels kept fighting clawing to within a point, with a minute to go a goalbound shot was miracolousy kept out by Murphy’s keeper Fiona Noone and she cleared it down the field and Fr Murphy’ had retained their championship.

What a great game,the best of the day at Ruislip.”

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