Gaelic4Mothers & Others National Blitz Day - 1 WEEK TO ENTRY DEADLINE

The Gaelic4Mothers & Others National Blitz Day is fast approaching!

18 October 2014; Louise Sylvester, from Athlone GAA Club, and team-mates during the TESCO Homegrown Gaelic4Mother & Others National Blitz Day. Naomh Mearnóg GAA Club, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Picture credit: Stephen McCarthy / SPORTSFILE

Preparations are well underway with our hosts Naomh Mearnóg and new LGFA Partners Lidl are also planning to make a fantastic contribution to the day.

The Blitz is taking place on the 15th of October and the deadline for entry is the 16th of September.

Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in the biggest annual celebration of Gaelic4Mothers & Others.


Due to the increased size of the Event, the following changes have been made:

1.The Entry fee is €150 per Team.

2.Panel sizes have been increased to a maximum of 20 players per team.  

3. Entry is limited to one team per club. If space is available we will allocate a second team to clubs that are interested.

Please indicate on your form if you would like to be considered for a second team.

4. Please note that NO PACKED LUNCHES will be provided on the day.

2016 National Blitz Day Entry Form

Closing date for entries is September the 16th.


Entry Form and Payment should be returned to

Clíodhna O’Connor

Ladies Gaelic Football Association

Croke Park

Dublin 3.

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