11 May 2016 Gaelic4Mothers Summer Getaway Deadline Fast Approaching Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! The Gaelic4Mothers & Others Summer Getaway was one of the highlights of last year and, due to popular demand, it is returning to the University of Limerick in June! The G4M&O Summer Getaway gives teams the opportunity to enjoy a weekend away as well as a fun and fit action packed day (and night) of football and craic and all for under €60! However, time is running out to make sure you can take part!!! The closing date for registration is this Monday, May 16th. You really don’t want to miss out on this just contact Cliodhna on cliodhna.oconnor@lgfa.ie for further information and to reserve your place! Just click on this form to download your entry form: To look back on last year check out this video: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp3s-EjFZqU[/youtube] Share this Article 0 0