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Junior B Championship Final

Junior B Championship Final

Kilrush 7 – 6

Burren Gaels 4 – 5

Kilrush and Burren Gaels played in Quilty on Tuesday evening in the 2008 Clare Junior B Championship final and it was Kilrush who came out on top by ten points.

This was a great achievement for a club that is only on the road since last April and both final teams now progress to take part in the Junior A Championship in late August

Kilrush piled on the early pressure but it was Megan Byrne who opened for Burren Gaels with a well taken goal after three minutes. Kilrush drew level after eight minutes with a Susan Cooney goal and this was followed with a Susie Glynn point to put Kilrush in to the lead for the first time after ten minutes. Kilrush were piling on the pressure at this stage and this resulted in a second goal from full forward Laura Crowley and Shauna Coughlin point in the fifteenth minute. This was followed by a further goal from Laura Crowley a minute later to put Kilrush ahead by eight points.

This lead was short lived however as Katie O’Brien goaled for Burren Gaels and then poor defending by the Kilrush full back line and two minutes later resulted in a foul within the square and Megan Byrne goaled from the resultant penalty to leave just two points between the sides after twenty minutes. Suzie Glynn then pointed for Kilrush in the twenty third minute to put three between the sides. Patricia Griffin and Shauna O’Brien then moved to the full back line for Kilrush and this change strenghtened the Kilrush defence and cut off a lot of ball from reaching the inside Burren Gaels forwards

Teresa O’Connor goaled for Burren Gaels in the twenty eight minute to put the side’s level with two minutes of normal time left in the first half. The game was at this stage all action from end to end and

Susan Bermingham for Kilrush exchanged points with Teresa O’Connor from the gaels just on the half hour. In first half injury time a goal from Kilrush Captain Elaine Griffin put three points between the sides to leave the half time score Kilrush 4 – 4 Burren Gaels 4 – 1.

Kilrush started well and right from the restart and Suzie Glynn sent a long ball through to Laura Crowley who dispatched a shot to the Burren Gaels net to put six points between the sides. Danielle Flaherty and Teresa O’Connor replied with points for Burren Gaels on five and seven minutes to cut the defecit again.

Elaine Griffin goaled a minute later and followed up this effort with a point a minute later. Erin Gilligan then goaled for Kilrush after eleven minutes to put the West Clare side ten points clear and in command.

Laura Crowley for Kilrush then exchanged points with Burren Gaels Roisin Crowe to leave the final score 7-6 to 4-5.

Best for Kilrush with Shauna Coughlin Susie Glynn Mary Williams Shauna O’Brien Maria Murphy Patricia Griffin Susan Cooney Elaine Griffen Laura Crowley and Joanna O’Brien For Burren Gaels Kate Dowling Mary Linnane Noreen Nagle Lynn Corrucan Rosin Crowe Katie O’Brien Terese O’Connor and Danielle O’Flaherty.

Kilrush Team

Grainne Marrinan Elizabeth Murphy Imelda Moloney Maria Murphy Megan Nolan Mary Williams Joanna O’Brien Shauna Coughlin & Suzie Glynn Shauna O’Brien Susan Bermingham Susan Cooney Elaine Griffin Capt Laura Crowley Nicole Lernihan

Subs used Patricia Griffin Erin Gilligan Imelda Moloney Christina Ellis Foley

Management John Fennel James Lafferty and Sabrina McInerney

Burren Gaels Team

Tiana Flanagan Margaret Commane Kate Dowling Mary Linnane Niamh Considine Noreen Nagle Sarah McMahon Lynn Corrucan & Louise Stack Rosin Crowe Aine O’Sullivan Teresa O’Connor Katie O’Brien Megan Byrne Danielle O’Flaherty

Referee Michael Bohannon (Shannon Gaels)

Player of the game Shauna Coughlin (Kilrush)

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