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Kerry Ladies News and Notes 18.05.2015

Kerry Ladies: A busy weekend on the domestic front with 2 finals in the Rhyno Quality Feeds Co.League. On Saturday in Fossa the Division 1 final saw title favourites Southern Gaels come away with a comprehensive win against a fellow gaels side Inbhear Sceine Gaels.


The Southern side were on top in all areas of the field with Inbhear Sceine Gaels having trouble securing possession with short & long kick outs not working. An early Southern Gaels goal was snapped upon by Linda Cronin as she intercepted a failed short kick out & buried to the back of the net. Southern Gaels added further goals from Anna Galvin & 2 from Sandra Dillon. At half time the score was Southern Gaels 4-11 Inbhear Sceine Gaels 0-02. The second half was very tepid affair, as the result was a foregone conclusion. Inbhear Sceine Gaels did manage to claw back a goal through Laura O’Sullivan but it was little consolation. Southern Gaels will be happy with the win but maybe a little concerned with injury to Anna Galvin who is only coming back from cruciate knee injury but also the shooting at times let them down. Both sides know that this game will have done them very little ahead of the championship.  Teams:  Inbhear Sceine Gaels: Nora Mai O’Brien, Gearldine Cahalane, Orla Randles, Lynda O’Connor, Gina Crowley, Majella O’Sullivan, Laura O’Sullivan, Cloe Hawker, Claire O’Sullivan, Michelle O/Sullivan (Capt), Caroline McCarthy, Jane O’Sullivan, Denise Burn. Southern Gaels: Elaine O’Sullivan, Sinead Clifford, Cecilia O’Sullivan, Clodagh Quinlan (0-01), Caroline Kelly (0-01), Amy Fitzgarald, Megan O’Connell (0-05), Anna Galvin (1-01), Sandra Dillon (2-01), Linda Cronin (1-02), Rachel Galvin (0-01)Saidbh Fitzgerald (0-06), Deirdre Corridan (0-02)


The Kerry Ladies Division 2 final was a much more exciting game with the scoreline flattering Corca Dhuibhne, as it took them a while to shake off a determined Finuge/St Senans challenge. The North Kerry side started much brighter & were unlucky not to have the first 2 scores on the board however they went wide. Louise Ni Mhuireartaigh got the scoring underway with a point from a free which she earned herself in the second minute, but this cancelled out by Miriam O’Keeffe 4 mins later who was a thorn in the West Kerry side all day. Corca Dhuibhne got the first goal of the game from the boot of Kerry minor Eilish Kavanagh, which was superbly set up by Louise Ni Mhuireartaigh, she drew the attentions of the defenders & at the right time popped a pass into Eilish. Finuge/St Senans dominated the play  middle third play but didnt put enough ball into the full forward line who were in devastating form. When ball did reach corner forward Jacqui Horgan she smartly rounded the keeper & pulled the goal back for them which was followed up shortly after by Miriam O’Keeffe. Both sides traded points but Finuge/St Senans hit a few wides while the West Kerry side were more clinical. With 10 mins left to play in the first half, corner back Karen Stack was forced into giving away a penalty which Louise Ni Mhuireartaigh coolly slotted away. From the resultant kick out Corca Dhuibhne 15 gained possession & slotted a goal. Half time Finuge / St.Senans  2-3 Corca Dhuibhne  3-5. Kerry Ladies star Louise Ni Mhuireartaigh within seconds of the restart got her second goal of the day  a fine solo effort. The sides traded scores & it looked like Corca Dhuibhne might pull away however Finuge/St Senans kept fighting back. However they gave away the second penalty of the day in the 22nd minute of the second half which Louise again coolly struck to the back of the net again. Miriam O’Keeffe did manage to keep her side in the game with a goal in the 24th. Finuge/St Senans were throwing everything they had into attached but when Corca Dhuibhne launched a counter attack & went through one on one again with the keeper Liz Houlihan she was forced to take the player down & received a sin bin for her efforts. Which again was struck by Louise to seal the victory. Coca Dhuibhne were worthy winners but were made to work very hard by Finuge/St Senans, who despite their small panel have had a very good league without their county star Louise Galvin & will be looking forward to the championship.  Teams & Scorers: Finuge/St Senans Liz Houlihan, Karen Stack, Niamh Leen, Siobhan O’Donnell, Aoife Behan, Niamh Carmody (01), Olivia Quilter, Ann Marie Leen, Martina Guiney, Niamh McKenna, Emma McCarthy, Marian Lyne, Oliva Stack, Miriam O’Keeffe (2-06), Olivia Stack, Jacqueline Horgan (1-01). Corca Dhuibhne Cliona Ní Chonchúir, Neasa Ní Lubhaing, Ciara Ní Mhurchadha, Áine Ní Chathalláin, Aoife Ní Chíobháin, Ellen Nic Giolla Geimhridh (Capt), Neasa Ní Chinnéide, Catherine Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Caoife de Hóra (0-02), Niamh Ní Ghealbháin, Louise Ní Mhuircheartaigh (3-07, 2-04p/f), Aisling de Baróid (1-00), Ciara Ní Shé, Eilís Ní Chíobháin (1-00), Katie Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Neasa Nic Ginneá, Ciara Ní Ghrifín (0-01), Brid Nic an tSaoir

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