03 February 2004 Leinster make it 4 in a row Share this Article 0 0 0 Shares! 0 Shares! Leinster make it four in a row Our thanks to Tom O’Donnell and DCU for hosting the Interprovincials this year. Well done to all the players who travelled yesterday. Even though the sun didn’t shine at least the rain didn’t fall! Unfortunately Connacht did not attend. Results as follows: Leinster 2-9 Munster 1-4 Leinster 2-10 Ulster 0-2 Munster 1-4 Ulster 1-7 Final: Leinster 4-9 Ulster 0-0 Congratulations to all the girls on their selection to the All Ireland Combined team. This year the team will take on the O’Connor Cup winners. Details of the team to follow. Championship Draws Please find attached details of the championship draws for this year. Note the following applies to home advantage: Where both teams are drawn the first named college in each pairing has home advantage. In Div 1 the ‘seeded’ teams placed in the quarter finals have home advantage. After this home advantage must be agreed between the colleges based on previous meetings. Half way venues should be considered if huge distances are involved. Please click here to download the championship details Match Results: We would remind all colleges again that THERE ARE NO REPLAYS in championship games. A result must be obtained on the day. Extra time to be played (2x10min) and then penalties – 5 per team and then sudden death. Deadlines Please pay particular attention to the playby dates. We are on a very tight schedule and there is little room for delayed matches. Wishing all colleges every success!! Patricia Share this Article 0 0