Long and Quill step down as Kerry joint-managers

Kerry LGFA Statement: 

It is with sadness that we have accepted our joint Managers, Declan Quill & Darragh Long decision to not put their names forward for another term.

Declan & Darragh along with their backroom teams down through the years, have done wonderful work in building Kerry LGFA to where it is currently.

During their managerial term, they have elevated Kerry Ladies Football to new heights, moving from winners of Division 2 to Division 1 National League title and contesting 3 All Ireland Finals in 2022,2023 & 2024. The pinicle of their management career came this year after 5 years as Senior Managers when they brought the Brendan Martin Cup back to Kerry after a drought of 31 years. It is the belief, camraderie and friendships that they built with their panels that brought them to where they and Kerry Ladies football is now. For this we can’t thank you both enough.

On behalf of Kerry LGFA we wish to thank them and their management team, for their time and dedication, the long hours devoted to the team and the welfare of the players. We wish them and their families the very best for the future.

On a personal note, words cannot express my gratitude to the outgoing management.
I want to sincerely thank Darragh and Declan and all the members of the backroom team for a wonderful 5 years. From the very start the management had the betterment of Kerry Ladies at the core of everything that they did. As a result they gained the trust and respect of all those with whom they worked. They have accomplished all that can be achieved in our sport and have given the next generation of players and supporters a vision of the rewards that can be achieved through talent, hard work, commitment and dedication.

Míle Buíochas!

Nora Fealey
Chairperson Kerry LGFA

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