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Match reports from Cavan County Finals

Match Reports from Cavan County Finals



Ladies Division 3 League final 2005
Gowna 2-07 Lavey 2-05

Gowna were crowned the 2005 division 3 league champions
on Saturday evening last in a blustery Killygarry football
grounds. Gowna elected to play with the wind in the first
half and in the 5th minute Paula Fitzpatrick got proceedings
under way when she converted a free for Gowna. Paula’s
sister Niamh Fitzpatrick added Gowna’s second point two
minutes later. But Lavey’s reply was prompt and direct
and when the Gowna Goalkeeper failed to clear a long ball
Lorna Reilly was on alert to score a goal for Lavey and
bring them back into the game. Siobhan Jordan added another
point before Paula Fitzpatrick was on target with a terrific
goal in the tenth minute for Gowna. Aishling Harton who
was a having a good game at half back was on hand to score
a point for Gowna and Claire Phillips helped Gowna further
with a point from play in the 20th minute. Gowna did have
a spell of some wayward shooting but Paula Fitzpatrick
steadied the nerves for Gowna when she scored her second
goal of the game, a brilliant shot across the square to
the right hand side of the net giving the Lavey goal minder
no chance. Fitzpatrick then added another point for Gowna
before Lavey were awarded a penalty just on the brink
of half time which Rachel Jordan stood up and converted
excellently to leave the score at half time 2-05 to 2-01
in favor of Gowna.

In stark contrast to the first half the scores were fewer
but it was Lavey that started a fight back after just
three minutes with a point from Louise McGuire. Claire
Phillips scored a superb long range point for Gowna before
Renee Murphy managed two points for Lavey. Twiggy Smith
brought the scores to just a point between the sides when
she converted a point for Lavey. Game on and with ten
minutes to go and the strong wind in their backs anyone
would have bet that Lavey would take advantage but with
an industrious back line of Kathleen Lynch, Siobhan Brady,
Elaine Smith and two great blocks from Ann Marie Lynch
Gowna closed any attacks at goal. Up front for Gowna,
Yvonne Madden was introduced to play and for the rest
of the game proved a thorn in Lavey’s side as she covered
a lot of the field. Patricia Lynch came out on top in
the midfield battle with Renee Murphy and when she passed
the ball to Paula Fitzpatrick in the 27th minute Fitzpatrick
scored Gowna’s final score of the game bringing the captains
tally to 2-04 for the day and gave Lavey no choice but
to go for goal in the dying minutes. Lavey will feel they
left this title behind as they shot wide after wide but
the Gowna defense always applied pressure to the Lavey
forwards giving them very little space and forcing shots
while under pressure.

Gowna: Denise Duignan/Galligan, K Lynch, S Brady,
E Smith, A Harton, E Dewart, C Phillips, P Lynch, J Fitzpatrick,
L Pearson, A M Lynch, Niamh Fitzpatrick, Paula Fitzpatrick,
Yvonne Madden.
Referee: Micheal Lyons (Drumalee)


U-16 Ladies Club Championship Final
Lacken 3-08 Lavey 1-06

Lacken Ladies picked up their first title of the year
when they recently beat Lavey in the U-16 championship
final. Against form they turned the tables and beat the
reigning league champions Lavey to complete back to back
titles at this grade and bring delight to the large crowd
of supporters in attendance. Jackie Rudden got the scoring
off the mark in the 5th minute with a point for Lavey
before Josephine Maguire leveled things up minutes later.
The Roisin O’Keefe gathered the ball from the forty five
meter line and with great determination she ran through
the Lavey defence to score a brilliant goal. The same
player was involved minutes later to score a point before
Lavey replied with two points from Rachel Jordan and Renee
Murphy. Then, just before the interval, Edel Keaney put
three points between the sides with a well taken point
to leave the score 1-03 to 0-03 in favor of Lacken Celtic.

The midfield battle of the county U-16 players continued
in the second half between Roisin O’Keefe and Renee Murphy.
Lavey drew first blood when Ciara Murphy scored a point
but Shauna Donohoe was on hand for Lacken to swing the
momentum their way with a super goal and along with Edel
Keaney put six points between the teams with eight minutes
gone. The following ten minutes saw no scoring by either
side as both teams fought desperately to keep procession
and make a vital breakthrough to fight back or kill off
the game. Alas it was Lacken who done so with a flurry
of points from Roisin O’Keefe, Josephine Maguire, and
twin sisters Edel and Emma Keaney. O’Keefe was again on
hand in the 26th minute with a goal before Renee Murphy
scored lavey’s only goal with time almost up. Lacken managed
one more score when Emma Keaney scored her second point
of the day with a clinical finish.

Lacken: L Costello, R Brady, R Keogh, K Donohoe,
N McInerney, G Smith, A M Moynagh, R O’Keefe, J Maguire,
S King, S Donohoe, Emma Keaney, Edel Keaney
Lavey: E Smith, A O’Reilly, C Murphy, C Tierney,
D Jordan, H Cunningham, J Rudden, R Murphy, L Cullivan,
L Conaty, R Jordan, M Tierney, S Monaghan, N Rice
Referee: Harry Conaty

Presentation: County Chairwoman warmly congratulated
Lacken on winning back to back titles and on both teams
giving a great performance throughout the hour. She also
thanked Killygarry GFC and the officials for all their
help. Lacken captain Roisin O’Keefe thanked all her players
and Lacken Ladies committee and management for all their
effort during the year. She paid a particular tribute
to Rachel Brady her co-captain who picked up a serious
injury earlier this year but still attended all the games
and training sessions during the season and wished her
a full recovery.


Knockbride completed the treble on Saturday last when
they added the championship to the League and Feile titles
won earlier this year. Two goals from Daena Clerkin and
one from Aileen Coegrave sealed the victory in a game
where the score line didn’t reflect the brilliant game
played by both teams. Throughout the hour both teams thrilled
the spectators with passion and determination shown at
such an early age of sport. Emma Scanlon put Knockbride
ahead after five minutes with a great point from play.
Scanlon scored her second point in the 17th minute before
Delia Baxter scored Mullahoran’s first point. Emma Scanlon
proved just what an asset she is when she scored her third
point in the twenyth to leave the score at the interval
0-03 to 0-01 after a tough opening thirty minutes.

In the second half it was Mullahoran who dominated the
first ten minutes of play which yielded two points from
Kate Smith. Emma Scanlon was again on form to lift her
team with two more points giving Knockbride the edge with
only ten minutes to go. Grace Reilly fired over a point
to leave three between to teams. Knockbride then stamped
their authority in the last five minutes when Daena Clerkin
twice broke through the Mullahoran defence for two goals
before Aileen Cosgrave closed the scoring with a super
goal in injury time. For Knockbride a great team effort
who always battled even when Mullahoran came back at them.
Lisa Regan, Denise and Ciara Smith excelled in the backline
whilst Nicole Clarke and Mary Argue worked hard in the
middle of the field. Up front the tall figure of Emma
Scanlon proved she is a match winner for any team and
was able supported by Daena Clerkin and Aileen Cosgrave.
Mullahoran were best served by Geraldine Sheridan, Sile
Reilly, Delia Baxter and Kate Smith .

Knockbride: M Dolan, D Smith, L Regan, C Smith,
C Regan, D McIntyre, M Argue, N Clarke, G Reilly, E Scanlon,
A Cosgrave, S Argue, D Clerkin, Claire Murray,
Danielle Farrell
Mullahoran; N Brennan, S Reilly, G Sheridan, D
McGahern, A Reilly, N Campbell, M Sheridan, A McGahern,
S Wilson, D Baxter, E McGahern, S Comaskey, K Smith
Referee: Micheal Lyons ( Drumalee)


Templeport U-12 girls added another title for their club
when they defeated Lurgan on Saturday afternoon last in
a wind swept Kilnaleck. While the winners only managed
to score one point in the second half it was the use of
the wind in the first half and along with the relentless
defending for the last ten minutes of the game that were
the main factors for a great victory. Aisling McGoldrick
open the score in the third minute when she soloed through
for a point. Carol Kellegher added another point along
with Rachel McCaffrey who kicked a great score for Templeport
as the Nortwesterners placed their intentions clearly
from an early stage. Then in the 10th minute Ashling McGoldrick
got behind the Lurgan defence and made no mistake as she
rattled the net for Templeport. McGoldrick added another
point as Templeport used the wind to build up as many
scores as possible before half time. Two more points from
Carol Kellegher before the interval left the score 1-06
to 0-00 after thirty minutes.

Lurgan staged a comeback in the first fifteen minutes
of the second half. Tanya Smith got their first score
with a point before further points from Ciara Quelly and
Sinead O’Reilly closed the gap between the sides. Both
sides were guilty of some wides befor Aisling McGoldrick
scored Templeport’s only point of the second half. Fiona
Skelly added another point for Lurgan in what was the
last score of the game with ten minutes left. Templeport
then knitted their defence together and the backs can
be proud of closing any attacks on goal never allowing
Lurgan an easy passage through. For Templeport all the
backline were brilliant as the players showed great determination
and skill clearing attack after attack. In midfield Templeport
had the edge over Lurgan whilst up front Aisling McGoldrick,
Carol Kellegher and Rachel McCaffrey caused problems for
Lurgan for the hour.

Templeport: C McGoldrick, N Doonan, A Dolan, E
Dolan, A McGovern, S Martin, K Maguire, R McCaffrey, S
Leonard, C Kellegher, A McGoldrick, Aisling Smith, Beverly
Lurgan: E Baugh, E Barkey, C Brady, D Reilly, L
O’Reilly, C Quelly, F Skelly, N Daly, T Smith, S O’Reilly,
E Summerville
Referee: Micheal Lyons (Drumalee)


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